'Wonder Woman 1984' loses its certified fresh rating after its opening weekend

Dec 27, 2020 10:58

#WW84 lost its Certified Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes after dropping from an 89% to a 65% on opening day 🍅

It also has a 6.0 rating on IMDb - Tied with 'Suicide Squad' for the lowest rated DCEU film pic.twitter.com/3Qs7YtMVY7
- Culture Crave 🍿 (@CultureCrave) December 27, 2020
• On December 17 the movie debuted with an 89% rating, coming in just ( Read more... )

#ww84, review, film - action / adventure, wonder woman

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eronanke December 27 2020, 18:06:23 UTC
It suuuuuucccckkkkked.

I sat there, fixing the script in my head, for the length of the film.



colossusx December 27 2020, 18:13:34 UTC
there's no fixing this script! throw the whole thing in a bonfire!

[Spoiler (click to open)]seriously, the two female leads wishes come down to "i want my boyfriend back" and "make me hot plz" what the actual fuck.

and not only did diana pine away for steve for 60 years, she was STILL pining for him 30+ fucking years later. it's ridiculous.


eronanke December 27 2020, 18:15:11 UTC
Truly pathetic.
And Wiig was criminally miscast. I leaned over halfway and said to my husband, "So... She could have just put on a dress?"


ext_2796703 December 27 2020, 19:05:50 UTC
It’s the pretty girl puts on glasses and now she’s ugly trope.


gettyupcowboy December 27 2020, 20:36:03 UTC
Seriously. I was annoyed because yeah she was awkward but nowhere enough where she wouldn’t have any friends or any man into her.


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eronanke December 27 2020, 21:24:29 UTC
I disagree; I think that Wiig's shtick is that she's awkward and funny rather than beautiful, but she's objectively beautiful if wearing attractive clothing and makeup and hair - she doesn't need to change anything physical about herself for her 'transformation'. Which made the whole "I want to be an Apex Predator" come out of NOWHERE! She had no previous interest in cats at all - she wasn't the one wearing the leopard print shoes, Diana was. If they wanted her character to have a psychotic break trying to emulate Diana, that would have been GREAT, but it simply wasn't there.

Eh... I'm putting too much thought into a bad movie.... :-/


whysogayprop8 December 29 2020, 19:58:07 UTC
Her character referenced the cheetah print Diana had earlier and commented that it was cool.


whysogayprop8 December 29 2020, 20:00:51 UTC
When news of her being cheetah was announced, i thought she was miscast. However, I feel she did a great job with the role.

She was able to show the range within 2 hours time.


evett December 27 2020, 18:42:36 UTC
ia if her motivation was purely about feeling powerless (esp after what happen in the park) I would understand but a lot of it was "i just wanna be pretty so people would give me attention" which in the end only required hotter clothes/hair/makeup cause she was already skinny and attractive.


littleorcs December 27 2020, 19:12:32 UTC
yeah the stakes were way too low for anyone to buy her transformation into baddie tbh


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colossusx December 27 2020, 22:41:16 UTC

i can't tell if you're joking or not lol


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colossusx December 27 2020, 22:55:28 UTC
i think you're misremembering the movies. steve didn't pine for decades, for him it had been only 3 years until he saw bucky again. he pined for peggy for 12 years, which is admittedly a long time but he also had a lot going in that span of time. he also flirted with sharon. it's not an apt comparison.


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