In "who asked for this" news, "alleged" sexual predator Kevin Spac*y didn't skip his holiday tradition of shooting and releasing ham-fisted, ill-advised videos nobody wants to see. It almost sounds like he starts off the video as Frank Underwood and then tries to take a more serious tone, claiming a lot of people have reached out to him with their problems this year (who?). It's hard to tell if he's sincere, though he does end the video with a number for the National suicide prevention hotline (1-800-273-8255).
I did not watch the whole video through, and I'm fairly certain Kevin Spac*y is the last person I would seek for advice. For anything.
In the world’s least favorite holiday tradition, Kevin Spacey has dropped another Christmas Eve video-this time addressing not his numerous allegations of sexual assault, but the mental health issues spurred by the coronavirus pandemic The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast)
December 24, 2020 Source (sorry mods, forgot to close the html tag for the source)