Shawn Mendes Accused of Misgendering Sam Smith

Dec 11, 2020 09:01

Twitter is up in flames after Shawn Mendes accidentally misgendered Sam Smith during recent Jingle Ball introduction.

shawn mendes really misgendered sam smith 26 times in a row on national television 😕
- nick is streaming evermore (@beyscardigan) December 11, 2020

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shawn mendes, sam smith

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t_snake December 11 2020, 19:33:03 UTC
This is when I agree w the psychos. This is not a cancel moment (despite the fact I'd like him to be cancelled as his voice annoys me so much!) And a sign of overly toxic PC culture . This should be a learning moment. Of course misgendering is wrong!!! But I also understand how it can happen. He apologised and learnt. We need more positive examples of learning instead of just pointing fingers in hate


genbu_no_miko24 December 11 2020, 19:41:16 UTC
Yeah it becomes a issue because aspects the internet like stan twitter make it all into a joke/moot point.

They are either waiting to cancel someone like an angry god or defend their faves with an army. Like no middle ground in this chaotic abyss.

Which obvs affects actual progress cause their voices and actions are too loud.


crystalzelda December 11 2020, 20:05:10 UTC
It's not even the fault of 'pc culture' that at it's base aims to educate to create a kinder, more understanding and inclusive world. It's that people take it and perverse it to use as cudgels to punish those they hate and legitimize abusing them online. It's why you see people absolutely destroying *insert privileged white person* they hate for some sort of ism while vociferously defending or coyly calling *insert privileged white person* they love their problematic fave who has also committed similar, if not the same, isms. Like... they don't care. They just want an excuse to get other people to stop supporting them and tweet abuse at them on Twitter cause it's acceptable in this case!


genbu_no_miko24 December 11 2020, 20:12:48 UTC
Yep. The actual part is about educating and change gets buried under all the clout-seeking/PR/Branding/biases/self-gain cookie points.

The part about the faves is 100%

You see it even on here but stan twitter is truly the chaotic abyss. They don’t cate about change they want you to either hate or love certain celebs with hyperfixative passion.


crystalzelda December 11 2020, 20:21:46 UTC
It's very stan account on twitter hyperfocusing on kpop stars that have done literal blackface and never addressed it with BLM in the header and if you point that out, suddenly it's all oppa didn't mean it and racism doesn't even exist in Asia, SO

yeah, ok!!


genbu_no_miko24 December 11 2020, 20:32:12 UTC
Yep, you get downplayed immediately.

Which is why I think should dump the whole “unproblematic/problematic fave” concept. Everyone wants their fave to perfect in everything and that’s just not possible or realistic.

And the main main reason they want that is not for being a role model for good but just to flex their superiority muscles in useless stan wars and to feel good/high horse superior to everyone else.

Everyone has a few celebs they follow, watch their movies/books/music etc.…etc whether they’re out about it or not. I think to a point you probably have more messy faves than correct faves sometimes.


tragedyofempty December 11 2020, 21:59:19 UTC
hasn't sam smith also changed what they want to be referred to a few times? and i don't say that as a 'too bad you are going to be misgendered' but i feel like i remember seeing a couple posts here where it was he, then they and i'm not even 100% sure what it is now, but i think it's they? and also doesn't someone write the intro? so is it on shawn to know? i honestly don't know these answers so anyone with insight please and thank you


asnindie December 11 2020, 22:03:37 UTC
It also has a negative effect of the ability for the movement to actually work when needed. Cases like these make these users seem inflexible and then are used by right wing nuts to make them seem like intolerant.


whysogayprop8 December 13 2020, 16:41:07 UTC
Overly toxic PC culture?

Get that conservative right wing toxic masculinity speak out of here.

Politically Correct is about being respectful.

"Cancel culture" is not a thing unless it's someone defending an asshole's behavior.

There are toxic communities of people out there that have ulterior motives, yes, but to trivialize the desire to educate people as PC and then dress it up a tacky "toxic" bow. Nah. Not a good look.


t_snake December 13 2020, 16:51:16 UTC
Let me rewrite it:

This is when I agree w the psychos who think we live in a overly PC world populated by snow flakes. When people so quickly shout "cancel ha!" All they do is feeding their narrative, instead of accepting that there can be learning moments. To some people PC means something else.

Also, easy w the insults.


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