Blacktress Janet Hubert and Blacktor Will Smith heal their blackt-ing feud

Nov 19, 2020 14:43

"You took all of that away from me, with your words," Hubert tells Will during the #FreshPrinceReunion
- TooFab (@TooFab) November 19, 2020
Chalk it up to 2020 having its own end of the year redemption arc but during the Fresh Prince of Belair reunion - now streaming online - Will Smith sits down with OG aunt Viv Janet Hubert ( Read more... )

black celebrities, will smith, celebrity feud

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Comments 79

colossusx November 19 2020, 20:26:40 UTC
that video truly gave me life yesterday. and wow will was always cute but he's like...fine fine now to me for whatever reason.


notoriousreign November 19 2020, 20:31:29 UTC
This is cute.


shayme November 19 2020, 20:31:56 UTC
She truly said some rude things about Will (like that he was the reason her son tried to commit suicide) so he really is being the bigger person here. She kept that one-sided feud going as long as possible.


kick_chop_slam November 19 2020, 20:39:47 UTC
I agree. We didn't know what went on behind the scenes and everything but Janet has said some very mean spirited things in the past few years. Whereas I haven't seen (not saying they don't exist) Will saying anything like that...


dianakingston November 19 2020, 21:34:02 UTC
I mean, of the two of them he absolutely would've had more to lose by speaking out against her in public


pikapika217 November 19 2020, 21:42:29 UTC
I mean, not really and not during the 90s/2000s. Everyone already saw her as difficult/crazy and Alfonso would make little jokes at her expense. That wouldn't really fly now but even now people are quick to dismiss black women and their pain or not want to look at things regarding them in a nuanced way.


backwardsjoker November 19 2020, 20:32:26 UTC
I know it's mah hormones, but this legit made me tear up. OG Aunt Viv was one of the first dark-skinned women I saw on TV who wasn't portrayed negatively or evil, and I was always mesmerized by her elegance and charm. Obviously I didn't understand when they replaced her, and broke my heart hearing all the drama between her and Will. So seeing this is *chef kiss*


gorlplz November 19 2020, 20:36:03 UTC
pikapika217 November 19 2020, 20:38:22 UTC
he apparently skipped out on meeting her but I'm hopeful she would've if he stayed


shayme November 19 2020, 20:44:53 UTC
Judging by him not being there? Nah. This woman was so mean for so many years. I can't believe all of the sympathy she's getting.


trumpydoesmagic November 19 2020, 20:50:33 UTC
Yeah, I do feel for her but when Will said "I just thought you hated me" and she had a look on her face like "Yes, I did say some shit..." it just made me wonder what exactly she was doing and saying for him to feel that way but a lot of people on Twitter are acting like it's 100% on him. Still, w/e, I'm glad they made peace because they both looked like they felt relief from it.


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