Dominic West and Wife Catherine FitzGerald Go for a Run Together After Split Rumours

Nov 11, 2020 16:43

Dominic West and his wife, Catherine FitzGerald, were spotted out for a jog nearly one month after sparking rumors of a troubled marriage.
- Us Weekly (@usweekly) November 10, 2020


Following the news that their marriage was good as over as a result of Dominic's heaux antics in Rome, the not-so-happily married couple ( Read more... )

lily james, marriage / wedding, scandal, the affair (showtime), british celebrities, divorce

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jellyfishhh November 11 2020, 16:15:05 UTC
sorry but every couple I know who runs together is weird

I don't make the rules


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marley_love November 11 2020, 18:16:25 UTC
you literally described a couple i know


peachypearl November 11 2020, 16:17:05 UTC
I always want to run completely alone, i don’t need other people knowing quickly i am out of breath lol


soul_amazinn November 11 2020, 16:37:58 UTC
For real I don't understand why you'd want a running partner


therearewords November 11 2020, 17:40:24 UTC
I use them as hare.


kawaiiairbender November 11 2020, 17:42:18 UTC
Safety/to pace

I run quicker/more with someone else


trekkiepetrelli November 11 2020, 17:13:32 UTC
yeah no man on this planet wants to see me puffy and out of breath lmao i don't blame them


merci_beaucoup November 11 2020, 17:16:06 UTC
I don't need anyone to hear me fighting for my life


infidelkast November 11 2020, 17:57:16 UTC
complisult November 12 2020, 04:22:22 UTC
My husband is 6’4, I’m 5’6. We ran together ONCE and I was lagging so bad because his strides are so much bigger. And I’m actually in better shape than he is!


felicityhaircut November 11 2020, 18:04:23 UTC

Reminds me of this couple. I fucking hate them so much lol


yim_yames November 11 2020, 21:29:15 UTC
lmaoo yes I always remember these two idiots. I watched that live on the news and was cracking tf up


felicityhaircut November 11 2020, 21:41:52 UTC
Oh man what a GIFT that you got to see this live! A coworker showed this to me years ago and every winter I like to watch it a few times to ring the season in hahahah. I wonder what happened to this couple--they either broke up or got married and had a few kids who are also annoying.


arcticmonkeys November 12 2020, 00:30:23 UTC
truly iconic lmfao. she was so fucking smug about it!! whenever it pops up i have to watch it a few times cause it's too good lol


felicityhaircut November 12 2020, 00:53:34 UTC
Yup it’s a classic. One of the rare times in life we witness instant karma. Lol at the snow providing good “grip”


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