"Raya and The Last Dragon" Trailer

Oct 21, 2020 07:46

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In a land called Kumandra, a re-imagined Earth inhabited by an ancient civilization split into five different regions, lived Raya. Raya was a fearless, lone and passionate warrior, and also the daughter of a powerful chief. Raya lived with her animal sidekick, Tuk Tuk and when an evil force threatens her kingdom, the two decide to leave their ( Read more... )

asian celebrities, disney, film trailer / stills / clips, awkwafina, animation

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Comments 111

sandstorm October 21 2020, 12:49:24 UTC
When Disney posts it to their YT page, I'll update it.


lawofcosines October 21 2020, 12:50:32 UTC
it's fine but as a southeast asian, all the promo material from this shows that it's a mish-mash of maritime southeast asia... like the kris sword from the philippines, sceneries inspired by indonesia and malaysia etc... lol the small details nitpicking


queenursula October 21 2020, 13:48:57 UTC
It's a fictional fantasy world that is inspired by South Asian cultures.


littleorcs October 21 2020, 14:05:34 UTC
Fellow SEAsian here! I get they wanna draw elements from different countries but I just have questions tbh, like is Raya Malay? Is she Filipino? Is she Viet? How about the people? You can't really just say "they are a mix of all of them" and call it a day tbh. Not when you want to mix a rice padi hat with a kris (which at least IS cross-cultural since it's found in the Indo-Malay regions as well) and then add on Wayang Kulit masks


lawofcosines October 21 2020, 15:57:43 UTC
Right? The kris is a very specific weapon used by Muslim Filipinos and even though there are a lot of overlap, there are huge differences between Mindanao cultures and Borneo, or even Sulawesi and Moluccas. Hell, even those islands are very different from Java and Sumatra. It's not asking for too much, we just want some clarity lol


devalyn October 21 2020, 12:57:23 UTC
Ooh, this looks good. The animation is beautiful!

I can already picture all the merchandising from Tuk Tuk (I will definitely buy one)


sandstorm October 21 2020, 12:59:49 UTC
"From the Studio That Bought You Frozen" Like WHEEEEN will Disney stop harping on the fact that they made that shit movie.


fight4thislove October 21 2020, 13:04:08 UTC
When it stops making them billions every year.


ginainabottle October 21 2020, 13:13:20 UTC
And like... It's fucking Disney, I know Frozen was an insane hit but it's not like Disney actually needs one of those cheese introductions.


sandstorm October 21 2020, 13:15:26 UTC
They didn't even mention Frozen II lmao just...something that came out 7 years ago, wow.


You did it! drunkenclaudius October 21 2020, 12:59:50 UTC

... )


Re: You did it! sandstorm October 21 2020, 13:03:02 UTC
I can never find the clip, but there's some show where someone goes 'LET'S MOVE OUT LET'S GO" and people run from sitting at a card table, and a girl opens a drawer and takes out a gun, and that's what I thought when I already had this post up and just had to fill in the source and tweet.


Re: You did it! justfortheplot October 21 2020, 13:15:05 UTC

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