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turtleisland October 18 2020, 03:13:56 UTC
23 and Me test results are not wholly accurate. Rely more on your family history.


thereinventions October 18 2020, 07:10:27 UTC
What about Ancestry?

How was 23 and Me inaccurate?


slaygalthessily October 18 2020, 07:51:24 UTC
I think genetics only really touch what they have on record, but also, a set of siblings can take the test and pick up different ancestry because genetic are weird.


turtleisland October 18 2020, 11:07:41 UTC
I don't mean inaccurate I think in the sense you mean. The other commenter who mentioned what they have on record explains it well.

The site itself has to always keep learning. If you've done them, then you'll see that your results get updated once in a while. Your results are going to be broad until the site gets more information to narrow it down, and as they look at different parts of your DNA. And so DNA they know less about might not even show. Just because something doesn't show on one of these sites doesn't mean you don't have ancestors from that region. I used to just get broad results for European (as one percentage) before it narrowed down to specifically Polish as part of my results, and that part of my family history is not that far back. My mom knew them. That took three updates.

But he obviously shouldn't be playing a Native American role if he has to go that far back, if he can't even name the person who it is.


weighty_ghost October 18 2020, 15:54:42 UTC
So this white dude should believe his father in claiming his native American ancestry? Or..

Like I get your comment to a point, but history gets muddled, especially with people wanting to believe certain things about their family history.


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