Update on the Lily James/Dominic West Affair: His wife thought "They were very much still together"

Oct 12, 2020 21:38

EXCLUSIVE: Dominic West's wife is 'shocked' as photos emerge of him in passionate embrace with Lily James https://t.co/9pZqIneYHL
- Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) October 12, 2020

the Daily Fail spoke with a friend of West's wife Catherine FitzGerald:

'Catherine has seen the pictures and she's devastated. I came over to speak with her as ( Read more... )

men are weak, the affair (showtime), british celebrities

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flyfingers7 October 12 2020, 20:04:21 UTC
this was a wildly dumb move on her part. people thinking you're a homewrecking slut can fuck your career. he's a piece of shit too, but he's a man, he'll get hired again. imagine torpedoing your reputation/your bag for what? him? what money he has is going to his wife and kids when she divorces him. he's not even that hot.


missjersey October 12 2020, 20:06:05 UTC
Maybe thinks she can pull a KStew?


willardwright October 12 2020, 20:27:51 UTC
If so, she's gonna be surprised. Kstew was always an artsy/alternative "not like other girls" type and after Twilight focused on more serious and less mainstream movies. Lily James is the adorable girl next door everybody loves (nearly every comment about her on ONTD until now mentioned how charming she was, and for a reason) and her filmography is mostly cute fluff. This could potentially ruin that image.

of course, I could be wrong and maybe this will transform her into a more edgy persona, who knows


bb_loves_you October 12 2020, 20:33:05 UTC
Hide your husbands and your Coke bags cuz live action cinderella just stepped into the building


poisonedsky October 12 2020, 20:58:38 UTC
Yeah I was gonna say her whole persona is totally opposite of kstews


aristobrit October 12 2020, 23:13:13 UTC
KStew started in the very mainstream Panic Room. Then she couldn't get cast in other studio films so she did little indies no one saw until she got cast in Twilight. As soon as she had the opportunity to go back to indies, she instead chose another studio franchise, Snow White ( ... )


handsdowntoo October 12 2020, 21:36:20 UTC
KStew didn’t get another big action flick for years and years after that and she’s been thirsty for mainstream stuff. I mean girl did Charlie’s Angels reboot.

I’m sure Lily James will still get work but it definitely damaged Kristens brand and lost her some opportunities even though she was never the America’s sweetheart type.


emerald_soul October 12 2020, 22:30:12 UTC
In a weird way, I think her coming out also helped repair her image.


chocolateamargo October 12 2020, 20:33:13 UTC
Joke's on her, the wife is the rich one in this case (but I think she probably doesn't care about any of it tbh)


xellabelle October 12 2020, 20:40:54 UTC
To be honest I feel like this would happen in usual circumstances but in the middle of a pandemic I feel like everyone is going to forget about this next year. Like I barely remember any scandals from 3 months ago because so much has happened


hateistoodark October 12 2020, 20:46:51 UTC
Yup most of her appeal is about being charming and sweet

This makes her look bad. Men being scumbags doesn’t ruin their careers but it will def damage hers.


sarahvma October 12 2020, 21:54:39 UTC
Especially when the man in question is famous for playing cheating scumbags -- The Wire, The Affair, The Hour...


hateistoodark October 12 2020, 22:29:05 UTC
That’s why he’s so good at it
Damn Hector Madden truly wasn’t shit


sarahvma October 12 2020, 21:53:27 UTC
Yeah, I don't endorse the way women are trashed for this kind of thing, but it's a complete career-killer. Especially when your image is as a wholesome, fresh-faced girl next door type.


goofusgallant October 12 2020, 23:03:46 UTC


tracygee October 13 2020, 06:06:42 UTC
And he’s playing her FATHER in this project. So ew, people aren’t going to want to see them on screen together.


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