Ava DuVernay wishes Trump well, gets angry when peole call her out on it

Oct 06, 2020 15:24

did you or did you not "truly hope" he got well two days ago? and now you're shocked he's evil? Girl. https://t.co/xyasMRYrnt pic.twitter.com/txG84Ucklf
- kinsey clarke (@tinykinseyscale) October 5, 2020
-Ava, who directed a whole show about the Central Park Five, tweeted out well wishes for sick Trump ( Read more... )

ava duvernay, black celebrities

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la_petite_singe October 6 2020, 13:50:40 UTC
It's good she took the tagged one down quickly, but I can't believe she doesn't see what a slap in the face it is to wish him well???? SO many people have lost loved ones to COVID because of his fucking dangerous & stupid behavior, not to mention all the other stuff he's done to make people's lives worse. She can't just leave it at "I hope we all learn a lot from this" or something? Rich people are just on another planet 🤷


green_monsterx October 6 2020, 14:21:14 UTC
i have been saying "hope he dies" since the start lmao and people get mad at me all the time and how fucked up it is. like... this man has sat back and let 210k ppl die. he's hurt brown people. black people. gay people. women. why the fuck should i wish him to get better? him dying would be just the tip of the karma he deserves


la_petite_singe October 6 2020, 14:51:29 UTC
lmao same! Not to mention the part where it's 5,000% his own fault that he got infected AND he's carelessly spread it to tons of others. I'm not sparing a molecule of sympathy.


thinkweism October 6 2020, 16:02:03 UTC
Same. I still hope he dies. I would say I don’t care how, but I do hope it’s from covid because that would be the ultimate fuck you.


irajaxon October 7 2020, 15:13:45 UTC
lol, for real! all these "wishing death on anyone is bad" takes make no sense to me. i wish death on people all all the time because evil motherfuckers just deserve to die, it's a fact.


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