Ava DuVernay wishes Trump well, gets angry when peole call her out on it

Oct 06, 2020 15:24

did you or did you not "truly hope" he got well two days ago? and now you're shocked he's evil? Girl. https://t.co/xyasMRYrnt pic.twitter.com/txG84Ucklf
- kinsey clarke (@tinykinseyscale) October 5, 2020
-Ava, who directed a whole show about the Central Park Five, tweeted out well wishes for sick Trump ( Read more... )

ava duvernay, black celebrities

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fantastiche October 6 2020, 13:50:22 UTC
I don't really get the initial issue she was being called out for. She wished him well, but it feels more like a "hope you don't die so you get what's coming to you" kind of well and otherwise she clearly doesn't care for him at all.


babyyoda October 6 2020, 13:51:52 UTC
Yeah that’s how I felt and I wish I had expressed that better in my comment but that’s why I was ok with it, she wasn’t letting him off the hook imo but she didn’t handle the aftermath well at all


numara October 6 2020, 13:57:24 UTC

I wonder how the Central Park 5 feel about her offering well wishes to the man who literally campaigned for their executions https://t.co/cr8r0eFY7A
- PHoxy Grandpa 🧢 (@_Petty_Wap_) October 5, 2020



reptilia___ October 7 2020, 09:08:21 UTC
Damn! Didn't even think about this.


trekkiepetrelli October 7 2020, 09:26:46 UTC
she shouldn't be showing any positivity to that man, not a fucking ounce


djbbgoose October 6 2020, 14:28:55 UTC
it's so poorly worded, if you want to be corny and wish him well and still admonish be like "mr president, i hope you recover from this grave illness that has killed so many others due to your ineptitude. i hope the incredible medical care you receive and continue to deny others keeps you well enough for you to lose on election day"


decim October 6 2020, 18:11:11 UTC
love all ur comments in here


(The comment has been removed)

slinkydinks October 6 2020, 15:48:13 UTC
Right? Like, I have compassion and empathy, but my energy and capacity for it is finite. And I'm sure as shit not wasting it on undeserving shitbags.


lizthegoob October 6 2020, 16:16:43 UTC


triviagogo29 October 6 2020, 16:20:37 UTC
Ava, noted Barack Obama stan (to the point of literally hiding the fact Biden was behind the 1994 crime bill in her doc), can’t really care about those innocent kids, can she? I mean, beyond marketing reason and social media posturing I mean


lithiumflower October 6 2020, 15:48:25 UTC
I think it’s strange to wish someone well and then call them evil. Like damn, if they’re so evil, let them drop dead already. I’m certainly not wishing anyone I think is evil well. I’m hoping nature or something intervenes to wipe their ass from the earth since I don’t have the capacity to do it myself. It just seems two-faced or weak-willed to me.


triviagogo29 October 6 2020, 16:25:05 UTC
It’s funny to me the concept of not wishing well to a fascist EVER is such a foreign concept for so many over here.

The guy is a fascist. Don’t wish him well under any circumstances. You don’t want him to die because of whichever reason? Ok, then phrase that in a way that isn’t “I sincerely wish you well”. It should be simples, really. Especially for someone like Ava, who’s behind “13th” and “Central Park Five”.

But besides all of that, people are rightfully suspicious of Ava and her motives because her politics are trash, imperialist and anti-working class (including anti-black working class) in general.


nene718 October 7 2020, 01:55:08 UTC
For real. Y'all are not hating racism enough for me...its embarrassing


nene718 October 7 2020, 01:56:03 UTC
lol I meant to write facism and it's not letting me edit


fantastiche October 7 2020, 02:10:36 UTC
It's not a foreign concept and it's obviously a weird choice on her part, but that's how it came across to me. Despite the justice in him of all people contracting COVID-19, most people have a sense that wishing death upon someone - anyone - is probably nagl. And while wishing him well isn't, either, I don't think she was hoping to curry favour with him/his followers by saying she wished him well and calling him evil in the same breath. It just makes sense to me that way /shrug


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