The View: Julia Louis-Dreyfus, David Mandel, Hot Topics

Oct 05, 2020 19:13

Panel is Whoopi, Joy, Sunny, Sara, and guest host Ana

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Hot Topic #TrumpLiesAmericansDie

Covid in Chief™ has done his best North Korea propaganda impression. Complete with weird videos and staged photo ops where he signs a blank piece of paper. He looks sick because he is, but it’s more dramatic because he didn’t have his orange bronzer slathered all over his face. Then he took a Ride to Nowhere to infect his secret service detail and wave at cult members. Anyway this is forever ago in October news cycles. Latest poll shows 81% are more worried about covid than before. But hey, by all means, take as many GOP down with the Coronatanic as it hits the germberg.

During the show Kayleigh the Press Secretary revealed she tested positive and said she hadn’t briefed reporters since last Thursday, and she didn’t know about Hope Hicks at that time. But she talked to a gaggle of reporters just last night without a mask so of course they’re all liars and disease spreaders.

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Lying liars who lie their lies. They refused to reveal how long ago his last negative-test was. They refuse to reveal results of his lung scans, despite meds suggesting his condition was more serious than revealed. They refuse to contact trace from the Rose Garden Massacre or within the West Wing. Attempted Negligent Homicide from the Law & Order criminals DUN DUN.

Hot Topic VP Debate is Wednesday

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The VP debate is Wednesday @ 9PM eastern in Salt Lake City Utah. Also old news from less than 10 hours ago. Kamala went to SLC on Friday to avoid too much travel. Harris asked for plexiglass like Jamie Harrison did when he whomped Lindsey Graham in Saturday debate. Pence team opposed this, but are now agreeing and pretending like Kamala is being a baby about it, despite Pence is supposed to be leading the covid response team (lol forever). They’re going to be 12 ft apart, but add plexiglass for sure.

Hot Topics No Halloween in 2020

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The panel talks about kids losing out on trick or treating this year. The kids can play dress up at home and you can still buy candy but lbr the kids probably won’t remember in the long run, except Oh that year that we didn’t go trick or treating.

Hot Topic VEEP Reunion for Biden and Democrats

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Julia Louis-Dreyfus and executive producer David Mandel talk about what it was like to see the cast again and why they reunited to raise money for Biden-Harris and the Democratic Party. This was scheduled for Friday but pre-empted by Chief of Petri Dish Germs.

FFA Politics as well

Ontd are you completely numb from the neverending gaslighting news cycles?

Source links are below each video or section

the view (abc), television - abc, veep (hbo), politics, television, television - morning / daytime, covid-19, actor / actress
