Hogwarts Legacy - Official RPG Reveal Trailer

Sep 17, 2020 03:38

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Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action RPG set in the world first introduced in the Harry Potter books. Now you can take control of the action and be at the center of your own adventure in the wizarding world. Embark on a journey through familiar and new locations as you explore and discover fantastic beasts, customize your character ( Read more... )

harry potter, computer / video games

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zvvl September 16 2020, 23:04:01 UTC
I’ve noticed some people denying JK’s involvement in Harry Potter by saying things like ‘Emma Watson is the author of Harry Potter’ to absolve them so that they can still engage with the books and its associated media. It’s a bit perplexing if I’m honest that they make these stands on social media and then start hyping stuff like this.


lozbabie September 16 2020, 23:07:53 UTC
Yup. They want their cake and to eat it too.


sandstorm September 16 2020, 23:08:15 UTC
I still talk about HP on SM, but I didn't rebuy the books. I refer people to the AidenChase rewrite that works on fixing a lot of the character BS (mainly, most of the women are defined by their relationships to the men? well not here!)


eisenberries September 16 2020, 23:28:17 UTC
where can i read this rewrite? is it a self-published thing or on a forum?


sandstorm September 16 2020, 23:30:26 UTC
Oh, it's on AO3!


Deathly Hallows starts either the end of this month or the end of next month. I think it's next month.


eisenberries September 16 2020, 23:51:13 UTC
tysm! <3


winter_lace September 17 2020, 04:20:29 UTC
bless you


chocolateamargo September 17 2020, 19:29:18 UTC
Thank you!
I hate Lily/James (or any HP couple really lol) but I hope they are actually decent in this


insecuredesign September 17 2020, 21:58:38 UTC
I’ve seen that while scrolling through the James/Lily tag but wasn’t sure if it was good. Normally I’m not into the everyone lives stories because they become fix it fics. Is it more in depth than that?


sandstorm September 17 2020, 22:08:02 UTC
I don't read enough FF to know what a fix it fic is with any firm definition tbh but, Voldemort and the death eaters still *exist* and they still work to fight them. There's more Phoenix missions (The Prewetts are alive too, and the Longbottoms are sane). Harry is still The Chosen One and Lily and James are like "Well, what do we do about that?"


insecuredesign September 17 2020, 22:14:42 UTC
I totally outed myself as someone who reads too much fanfic didn’t I? Lol. It means problems or tragedies that happen in a series gets “fixed” for a happier ending. But I’ll check it out! It sounds interesting.


simplychristina September 16 2020, 23:27:59 UTC
Lindsay Ellis did some videos on this whole 'death of the author' stuff in relevance to HP. I still wear my related things (they were unofficial anyway) and make references but there's an asterisk to it all. But I deleted the mobile games off my phone, and I won't be giving official HP things new money. She got my book money and official things, but can't change that.

It doesn't mean we have to completely shut down anything about HP that made an impact on us but we can certainly leave official money making things for her in the dust, because she chose cruelty.

There are still some valuable creative works made by shitty people and it can get complicated, so we have to pick our own degrees.

Like, as someone with MS, I appreciate her sizable donations and advocacy for MS organizations and related research but I'm still not giving her any more money now.


sandstorm September 16 2020, 23:31:23 UTC
Right. Like I'd love some of those bags from Vera Bradley or the blankets, but I can't give JKR my money anymore. I have my one shirt and my House scarf and that's it.


willardwright September 16 2020, 23:32:43 UTC
I can understand not wanting to just throw away the entire series, especially when it's done by people who have like, Harry Potter tattoos and care too much about their Hogwarts house. It's been a huge part of their life, and it's not like re-reading those books makes Rowling money.

But yeah, some people will absolutely use insane mental gymnastics to justify buying this game, and they will tweet about playing it in between tweets about how much they hate Rowling.


miamaimi September 16 2020, 23:47:58 UTC
People want an easy way out tbh


slaughtermatic September 17 2020, 07:20:44 UTC
i mean maybe some people want to get real. jk rowling will never ever ever not be filthy rich, she chose wisely to wait to show her face until shes old and on her third shitty nonrelared book project. sure, dont give her the hype, but boycotting the franchise now? hoping for what, that she changes her mind or suffers from the poor sale of her detective novels lol? i respect people cutting her off but i also get people not doing it when it wont have any impact on her life whatsoever. i feel like most people as fucked up as she is fuck up a lot earlier in life when its easier to actually punish them.


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