Celebs freeze Facebook and Instagram accounts for a day in support of #StopHateForProfit campaign

Sep 16, 2020 08:06

The only thing more terrifying than Mark Zuckerberg surfing in whiteface...

Is the white supremacy and lies Facebook spreads every day.

This Weds Sept 16 I’m freezing my Instagram to tell Mark to #StopHateForProfit.

Who’s in?! pic.twitter.com/nM5VB9YVZd
- Sacha Baron Cohen (@SachaBaronCohen) September 14, 2020

- only to take steps after people are ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, kerry washington, jennifer lawrence, mark ruffalo, kardashian / jenner, ashton kutcher, leonardo dicaprio, katy perry, facebook, demi lovato

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tifag September 16 2020, 03:10:36 UTC
Wow, a whole day. What a sacrifice they are making.


galaxized September 16 2020, 05:00:59 UTC
truly inspiring

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xoxo_tkn September 16 2020, 07:18:37 UTC
omg it took me longer than it should have to recognize her in this gif (tho I know her crying face is another version of kim in itself)


trikc September 16 2020, 05:07:09 UTC
It's not about the sacrifice. It's about bringing attention to the cause.


tifag September 16 2020, 05:45:07 UTC
Does it though? Because they could bring more attention to the cause by actually talking about it than going silent for 24 hours after posting a canned response and everyone using the same image.


trikc September 16 2020, 06:52:33 UTC
Our very interaction begs to differ


bloody_morgan September 16 2020, 08:32:25 UTC
No, it doesn't, because tifag is already aware of the cause.

People who are not already aware / invested won't notice or care because these celebs will be on their social media after a measly 24 hours, posting like nothing ever happened.


(The comment has been removed)

trikc September 16 2020, 17:14:20 UTC
Listen I'm not defending Kim or any celeb. They have nothing to do with it other than following instructions. But the point of the org is to get people talking. If you don't follow Kim K on IG you wouldn't know she stopped posting for the day, but you always wouldn't see her discussing it on IG. The whole point of involving celebs in charity is to draw attention. This nonsense made the news, that's how I new about it. Otherwise I wouldn't.


trekkiepetrelli September 16 2020, 11:38:32 UTC

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