Fiona Apple is one of the great lyricists to come from the 90s. In honor of our Virgo queen's birthday (today, Sept 13), here are 15 of her greatest (and most relatable) songs! If you don't already listen to her, I beg you to check her out!
[a note]I didn't even want to attempt to order them in a top 15 format, so they are in discography order. I also forced myself to include 3 from each album, because otherwise it would've been too When the Pawn... and Fetch the Bolt Cutters heavy lol. Also, everyone knows Criminal, so I didn't include it.
Tymps (the Sick in the Head Song) Notable lyric - Those boom times went bust My feet of clay, they've dried to dust The red isn't the red we painted, It's... just... rust