Judd Apatow becomes first (and only?) notable celeb to speak out about the Disney/Xinjiang debacle

Sep 10, 2020 12:04

They are not ‘detained’ they are being held in CONCENTRATION CAMPS. Apple uses that word because they don’t want to anger China. Maybe Disney and Apple should SPEAK UP & try to help a million people who were abducted and put in CONCENTRATION CAMPS. https://t.co/vxXSmo2Dwr
- Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) September 9, 2020

SourceWaiting for other celebs ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, disney, judd apatow, ontd original, politics

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lightredemption September 10 2020, 14:07:11 UTC
I remember in the last post about this someone mentioned that there were communist "fans" who keep purporting that this is some US-funded, anti-China myth and I thought that person had to be exaggerating but I saw some tweets yesterday and they were WILD. Imagine being so beholden to a single ideology that you'll dismiss actual genocide, wow


spankmypirate September 10 2020, 14:11:19 UTC
Those aren't even real communists, they're basically authoritarians who want Nazis back but in red. I mean, either that or they just dumb AF. ofc, some are just CCP bots.

I really wish the left would speak up more about this because I'm afraid that the right is going to take control of this issue and use it for their own gains. I shouldn't be looking to Iain Duncan Smith of all people to speak out for the Uyghurs in the UK parliament, for example. And US pro-lifers are already going by the line of "Disney is OK killing unborn babies in Georgia but will film next to concentration camps". It's right to call them out, but call them out for the right reasons ffs


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smilla_sini September 10 2020, 15:04:51 UTC
Seriously. Never forget this a**hole. A "journalist".


mhfromnh September 10 2020, 17:09:55 UTC
tankie is not a word I throw around, but when you consider yourself to be so communist that you can't admit the faults of a communist government/leader (Stalin, the CCP, fucking North Korea) and even defend them, you're an asshole. you can be a socialist and criticize human rights abuses by socialist and communist governments, they're not mutually exclusive.


laydownhere September 10 2020, 14:36:45 UTC
you get a lot of idiotic contrarians who have realized the american empire is amoral beast that doesn't actually have a moral highground and that their republican parents lied to them about how other countries were pure evil because they weren't pro-america.

then they think to themselves, well, if america isn't good then it must be as simple as being AGAINST america means you are good because they haven't actually rid themselves of the jingoistic ideology, just replaced the names.

also there are just bots or Americans paid by the CCP and/or people who hate Muslims


teenxwolf September 10 2020, 19:12:09 UTC
damn this is spot on


emmanium September 10 2020, 15:04:43 UTC
Yeah, I've seen some horrible stuff on twitter today, ppl flat out denying what's happening and saying it's just some Western fascist propaganda. Nearly all of those claimed to be communists/socialists and I just...wow. I'm subbed to a few communist/socialist subreddits and I'm lowkey afraid to go and read what they're saying about this. I already can't deal with some of them because of how they glorify the USSR and fucking Stalin of all people.


spankmypirate September 10 2020, 15:09:43 UTC
If those people ever said the same things they say online to actual people who lived in the USSR or people from Venezuela (tankies looooooove Maduro), they would be eaten alive.


purrple_267 September 10 2020, 15:13:53 UTC
They just say it wasn't real communism (I was in the USSR). Every communist country ever wasn't real communism. I'm sure real communism is gonna work out the next time though! /s


spankmypirate September 10 2020, 15:22:15 UTC
I have to believe that the majority of these people are sheltered Americans who solely exist in their own echo chamber. If they said the things they say online in certain parts of Europe they would probably be beaten up. So offensive.


purrple_267 September 10 2020, 15:30:07 UTC
Actually, 'real communism' is the only thing I've heard IRL, come to think of it. Some local Russians deny that Soviets did anything wrong, but that's a different and longer story. Huh, tankies really are afraid to say that stuff IRL or have I never met one IRL?


spankmypirate September 10 2020, 15:34:55 UTC
I've seen people say things like how East Germany wasn't so bad, for example, and how it was a better system, the Stasi weren't that bad, Reunification should not have happened, etc. Like Ostalgie is a different story, but I've taught many students who lived in the DDR and I've yet to meet one who wants things back exactly the way they were lol


laydownhere September 10 2020, 15:23:50 UTC
unfortunately, as someone with a lot of Soviet Jewry in my family - they've been told irl that antisemitism in the USSR didn't exist and if it did, it was incidental and also shouldn't they be grateful that it was just things like being sent to Siberia or denied job and university placement because our identity cards said we were Jewish


purrple_267 September 10 2020, 15:28:28 UTC
Bullshit. /half Jewish Eastern European.

You just reminded me that a Jewish relative, who moved from the USSR to Israel (yeah, I know), recently confessed she gave sexual favors to a guard to be able to leave with her things intact and present, cause they inspected and could break or keep any of your belongings and you weren't allowed to leave the USSR with any money either, just things. She somehow moved with a fucking piano.


spankmypirate September 10 2020, 15:29:11 UTC
It blows my mind that people still deny just how badly Jewish people were treated in the USSR. I'm really sorry you had to hear those things :(


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