Judd Apatow becomes first (and only?) notable celeb to speak out about the Disney/Xinjiang debacle

Sep 10, 2020 12:04

They are not ‘detained’ they are being held in CONCENTRATION CAMPS. Apple uses that word because they don’t want to anger China. Maybe Disney and Apple should SPEAK UP & try to help a million people who were abducted and put in CONCENTRATION CAMPS. https://t.co/vxXSmo2Dwr
- Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) September 9, 2020

SourceWaiting for other celebs ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, disney, judd apatow, ontd original, politics

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trancexperiment September 10 2020, 13:32:05 UTC
This is great and good for him to speak out, but the difference between how people responded to Mulan’s release vs Wonder Woman’s upcoming release is very...telling to say the least


mwffj September 10 2020, 13:33:46 UTC
I'm out of the loop, what's wrong with WW?


trancexperiment September 10 2020, 13:48:01 UTC
Gal Gadot is an IDF supporter, a pro-Israel terrorist organization slaughtering Palestinians


l_a_r_m September 10 2020, 15:59:22 UTC
Hm Idk if it's a fair comparison. Gal Gadot's IDF support, as well as the Mulan's actress's support for HK police, to me are not on the same scale as DISNEY, the studio and multi-billion dollar company, filming in the Xinjiang region where human rights groups have been reporting on stuff for YEARS.


trancexperiment September 10 2020, 16:02:33 UTC
That’s not my point. People were already boycotting Mulan because the actress came out in support of the Chinese police, the stuff about them filming in Xinjiang just adds another layer to it, and that info came out recently. It’s a fair comparison.


icetypejim September 10 2020, 18:23:43 UTC
DISNEY, the studio and multi-billion dollar company, filming in the Xinjiang region where human rights groups have been reporting on stuff for YEARS.

Hollywood regularly contracts with and receives funding and consulting from the US military, an entity responsible for enormous human rights abuses across the globe, for decades. The entirety of Hollywood should be boycotted on these grounds, but they aren't and won't be because only the US is allowed to wield "human rights abuses" as a cudgel against the rest of the world while it commits global terror.


spankmypirate September 10 2020, 18:27:47 UTC
As the OP of this post I just want to be clear (while not refuting your comment) that I'm not from the States, and I made this post purely to draw attention to the plight of the Uighurs, which is barely talked about or discussed in the media, and an issue that I'm personally close to. I'm not trying to brush off the points you brought up, nor am I ignorant of them.


icetypejim September 10 2020, 18:32:49 UTC
I didn't think you were. I'm talking more broadly, but sorry if that wasn't clear!


spankmypirate September 10 2020, 18:39:30 UTC
No worries. I understand where you are coming from, and the hypocrisy of some Americans, but I am worried that these concerns, albeit warranted, might dampen the urgency that is needed to be shown towards doing something about the Xianjian camps. From my perspective, the left doesn't seem to be speaking up about the Uighurs as much as it should be doing. When I saw Iain Duncan Smith talking about it in parliament I thought I was going to have a stroke. We can't let the right lead the way on this because that can't lead to anywhere good.

I'm talking about the international left, btw, not just the American left


icetypejim September 10 2020, 18:46:47 UTC
We can't let the right lead the way on this because that can't lead to anywhere good.

Ugh, honestly this is too true.

And sorry if I derailed. It gets really frustrating watching which human rights abuses spark empathy from Americans and which elicit shrugs and "well it's complicated"s. Like it really gags me to see a government, and especially rightwingers who've been at the forefront of abusing, mistreating, assualting and killing Muslims for most of my lifetime suddenly claim to care about Uighurs.


donaestrangera September 10 2020, 19:56:55 UTC
Exactly! Why is it acceptable when Hollywood partners with the US military that commits atrocities all over the world? But people don’t care or will make excuses for it so they can keep stanning Captain Marvel


viudanegra September 10 2020, 13:38:29 UTC
Absolutely. Gal is the main reason why I just can't get into WW.


spankmypirate September 10 2020, 13:45:59 UTC
I feel like a lot of it is down to shock as most people had no idea about the camps in China. I stand to be corrected though


trancexperiment September 10 2020, 13:49:35 UTC
I mean I agree but IDF is committing awful crimes against the Palestinians. If America wasn’t so pro-Israel it would be more openly talked about, I guess.


spankmypirate September 10 2020, 14:00:04 UTC
That's definitely part of the reason, but from a non-American POV (I'm not from the States) I also think that the conflict in the Middle East has gone on for such a long time that unfortunately people have become numb to what is Israel is doing, and treat it as one those 'uncomfortable' things that they prefer to place at the back of their minds.


kansascshuffle September 10 2020, 13:51:01 UTC
I knew about it from the news, for a long time now. Now it's coming up through a loudspeaker because it's a movie "scandal".


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