Judd Apatow becomes first (and only?) notable celeb to speak out about the Disney/Xinjiang debacle

Sep 10, 2020 12:04

They are not ‘detained’ they are being held in CONCENTRATION CAMPS. Apple uses that word because they don’t want to anger China. Maybe Disney and Apple should SPEAK UP & try to help a million people who were abducted and put in CONCENTRATION CAMPS. https://t.co/vxXSmo2Dwr
- Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) September 9, 2020

SourceWaiting for other celebs ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, disney, judd apatow, ontd original, politics

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potatoehead25 September 10 2020, 13:17:39 UTC
I was just thinking about Apple, yes don't support Mulan but will people stop purchasing Apple products?

It's like when celebrities critize certain things and act woke yet every year have the new iphone or work for Amazon or Apple.

If you own an iphone don't burn it because in this economy, who can afford to be buying expensive smart phones? Keep it but don't give them money every year at least?


potatoehead25 September 10 2020, 13:23:56 UTC
By the way, i was just looking at pictures of Xinjiang and what a beautiful place, i always thought Japan was the one with the prettiest places and was ignorant about China only having the Great Wall but now i'm going to have to google "most beautiful landscapes in china" to see what else they have. I'm going to have a google trip since i can't afford going there, lol.


kansascshuffle September 10 2020, 13:48:18 UTC
China has some truly mindblowing places to see. It's so diverse and unique/unusual. Shame about the rest.


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potatoehead25 September 10 2020, 14:25:49 UTC
Oh they do? I'm going to chek if i can see the episodes online.


backtoblack September 10 2020, 14:07:57 UTC
Yunnan Province is STUNNING


potatoehead25 September 10 2020, 14:31:34 UTC
Let me check it out


marywebgirl September 10 2020, 14:19:48 UTC
Don't sleep on the Great Wall. It was so cool to see in person.


emmy0001 September 10 2020, 14:24:13 UTC
I’ve been to parts of the north of China and studied abroad in the south in a city called Zhuhai and the scenery is so diverse. Zhuhai was lush, green, and tropical and a city in the north Datong is mountainous and more desert like. I was lucky that I was in China before Xi came to power so there was some optimism (although the catalyst for the Xinjiang situation happened a couple months before I arrived to Zhuhai). I’ve come to grips that I probably will never go back due to not wanting to support Xi and his regime and it absolutely makes me sad.


potatoehead25 September 10 2020, 14:29:58 UTC
At least you got to visit once.


h0ly_ravioli September 10 2020, 15:17:39 UTC
Datong is one of my favorite cities, the Hanging Temple took my breath away the first time I visited


emmy0001 September 10 2020, 16:45:35 UTC
I agree- the hanging temple was so cool! I kind of freaked out going up into it since I’m afraid of heights but it was so worth it!


maidenhell September 10 2020, 17:25:40 UTC
Same. I was lucky to travel around China in 2008 and then visit Hong Kong in 2018. The mainland didn't really do it for me but my Hong Kong trip was one of my favourites and I always wanted to return. I don't think that will ever happen now and it makes me sad.


littleorcs September 10 2020, 14:42:37 UTC
Guilin is beautiful

... )


fernandocolunga September 10 2020, 14:50:01 UTC
from a fairytale


lizthegoob September 10 2020, 14:52:34 UTC
WOW, amazing!


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