Zac Efron and His New Girlfriend Are "Having Fun"

Sep 08, 2020 07:31

Zac Efron Spotted in Australia with Rumored Girlfriend Vanessa Valladares: 'They Are Having Fun,' Says Source​
- People (@people) September 7, 2020
With news that Zac Efron has been shacking up with model and former waitress Vanessa Valladares in Australia, People magazine of course got the scoop (although they are just ( Read more... )

hollywood hookup, zac efron

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numbedtoe September 8 2020, 13:49:59 UTC
no masks in australia?

the eh no biggie, attitude towards this pandemic is breaking me.


angriest_girl September 8 2020, 13:58:41 UTC
Mandatory in Victoria where there’s a second wave, recommended in NSW, where there are clusters. Where I am (South Australia) there are no active cases so not many people use masks.


numbedtoe September 8 2020, 14:12:10 UTC
interesting. thanks for the info. I wondered since idk how you all were doing in the mix of nations who've gotten a handle on things or completely blown it. I hope you and yours stay safe bb.


angriest_girl September 8 2020, 14:29:48 UTC
Overall, it’s been handled pretty well here. The federal government dicked about early on not wanting to upset their big business mates, but most of the state premiers just took matters into their own hands and shut down borders and non essential services for a while. Then Federals finally came to the party and doubled the unemployment benefit, and created a payment for employees of $1500 a fortnight. We had almost gotten it under control when Victoria’s second wave hit but they are in lockdown and most state borders are still closed, so everyone else is pretty okay bar a few clusters here and there on the east coast ( ... )


fruitymangoes September 8 2020, 14:04:43 UTC
Masks aren't mandatory everywhere.
Here it's only mandatory in public transportation.


lozbabie September 8 2020, 14:15:48 UTC
As angriestgirl said, we just don’t really wear them here.

I’m in Western Australia and no one wears anything.

We’re so screwed if a case slips through the radar.


numbedtoe September 8 2020, 14:23:06 UTC
I hope you and yours stay safe bb.

I honestly wish that everyone would wear a mask for say 3 months, more if needed, no matter what. No matter the country or case load. Just cut the spread down entirely. Especially with flu season coming.

They have masks where I'm at. Supposedly. Few wear them. Every day I hear, via local news sites on SM, that it's all going to go away after the election and I'm just.

it's so damn draining.


lozbabie September 8 2020, 14:35:19 UTC
I agree.

One of the major side effects in Aus is that we simply don’t have the flu this year. It’s just not really here other than a small amount of cases. Because of social distancing, face mask use (if people are out with sniffles I’ve seen masks used) and washing hands.

I’ve got a schoolmate who is a Trump fan. He keeps saying ‘it’s going to go away after the election’ I always respond with ‘of course because Biden is much more competent than Trump and will have the ability to actually handle it’ (I know it’s not true but it pisses him off so I keep doing it)

Thank you. It’s hard being separated from my family but it’s one ywar


im in alabama and half my town dont put on a mask .lol ext_3702912 September 8 2020, 15:25:52 UTC
i work in a grocery store and half the people come in with no fucks givin.i do produce so i can stay away from people alot.


Re: im in alabama and half my town dont put on a mask .lol joe_pwnz_pete September 8 2020, 23:18:43 UTC
living in Alabama during this feels like a legit nightmare. I watched a guy's family put on masks as they were entering Winn-Dixie the other day as he screamed and bellowed "IT'S FUCKING FAKE I'M NOT PUTTING ON A FUCKING MASK" like purple in the face.


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