ONTD Original: What does Reneesme from Twilight look like now?

Sep 01, 2020 13:41

In 2011, the cinematic masterpiece 'Breaking Dawn' was released and introduced Bella and Edward's freak CGI baby, Reneesme, to us. Mackenzie Foy, who was 11 at the time, played Reneesme when she was a child, and they aged her using CGI technology to an adult. (These adult scenes are necessary because Bella's ex, Jacob, falls in love with Reneesme ( Read more... )

twilight, where are they now

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stewie_e September 1 2020, 04:41:17 UTC
iiswhoiis September 1 2020, 04:43:38 UTC
I can’t believe they actually filmed it and thought it was a good idea... like were they beholden to the creator or did they just not care or think to change it like tf


vivafreedom September 1 2020, 04:49:03 UTC
I love that this was the improved, less creepy baby and it still ended up looking ghastly. The original creepy doll they had gives me Annabelle vibes.


masterofmystery September 1 2020, 04:53:18 UTC
the fact that jacob imprinted not on bella but her, like, soon-to-be-fertilized egg or whatever all those year still blows my mind

i honestly have to ask stephanie meyer WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, WHERE DID THIS IDEA COME FROM - WHY

also curious about how the new 'book' is. i remember reading the leaked chapters and wondering why edward would ever be into bella when he sounded like he wanted to murder her at every instance


hamnoo September 1 2020, 06:59:57 UTC
Also, how long before she got pregnant did he imprint on her egg(s)? (Eww.) If she had had more kids, would he have imprinted on all of them? (Ewwwwwwwww.) And why didn't he imprint on Edward's potential sperm then, too?


lannischester September 1 2020, 07:53:57 UTC
"And why didn't he imprint on Edward's potential sperm then, too?"

because that's gay. the ghost of joseph smith would never let that pass.


pilotis September 1 2020, 08:52:08 UTC
pretty sure he hated Edward, no way he'd imprint on his jizzy


hamnoo September 1 2020, 09:16:57 UTC
Imagine him trying to explain to his future love/current child: "no, see I only fell in love with the half of you that was your mom's egg not the other half that was your dad's sperm, that's gay, love you babe"


almostlawyer September 2 2020, 05:36:11 UTC
this entire convo is killing me, yall are out here discussing if a teen werewolf imprinted on a vampire's sperm


aeries_amethyst September 1 2020, 07:01:08 UTC
I felt like Jacob imprinting on Reneesme was some consolation prize for him not ending up with Bella...But that is the most awkward thing ever because, why would you ever think it's a good idea to pair up a guy with the baby of the girl he was in love with?! That is still creepy on so many damn levels ._.

I agree with you on the book, when I read the leak ages ago...Edward was literally stuck between wondering why he couldn't hear her thoughts and why she smelt good enough to suck dry. With the way SMG wrote him, he honestly sounded like he would have straight up murdered Bella at some point and preserve her corpse in a dungeon somewhere.


zvezda September 1 2020, 14:08:35 UTC
I subjected myself to the new book out of morbid curiosity. From memory, it is slightly better than being told through Bella's eyes, but it's still exactly what you think. Meyer is trying so hard to justify how completely screwed up and predatory and stalker-y he is, which is more offensive the older I get. The fact this is considered "romance" boggles my mind.


umilicious September 4 2020, 00:49:11 UTC
As someone who also subjected herself to this trash read (because sometimes, a trashy read is what you crave), I wholeheartedly agree with your take. You can see where the book’s all like “see?! he’s worried about being creepy! that makes it okay, right?!” and yet it’s still upsetting. I ended up skipping the last few chapters because I can only take so much bland, unearned lust/obsession for this boring girl. The worst part for me was that there were glimmers of an interesting story in there, and it made me want to edit it into something remotely reasonable.


sassalicious September 1 2020, 14:44:22 UTC
The only reason I didn't throw the book across the room when I read that was the fact that I was reading on my friend's laptop.


asnindie September 1 2020, 07:51:50 UTC
That's it I'm out *packs up his soul* I'm coming God/Satan


theactualworst September 1 2020, 14:05:26 UTC
I still can't believe this shit is real and that it was so successful.


brightstarmara September 1 2020, 14:24:40 UTC
I still cannot believe they did this.


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