In more 2020 news, Pikachu is apparently gonna evolve

Aug 26, 2020 14:23

The end of an era 😢⚡
- LADbible (@ladbible) August 25, 2020
The end of an era could be upon us, according to a leak of an upcoming Pokémon episode, fans could be saying goodbye to Pikachu as it has been for a quarter of a century ( Read more... )

pokémon, anime / manga, leak

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thisoneputa August 26 2020, 19:39:09 UTC
people still watch this sheet?


milotic2 August 26 2020, 19:42:17 UTC
“ Pikachu is the face of the Pokémon brand, the biggest media franchise in the world.”

What do you think, sis


thisoneputa August 26 2020, 19:52:05 UTC
the games are one thing but the anime...

didn't the 70% of the audience dropped this sheet when Brock was replaced with whatever his name was (I only can remember three facts about that new kid: being annoying, unnecesary and the color blue) also didn't the 25% of the remaining stopped as well when Misty was replaced?.

Also Ash's butterfree >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the rest of the pokemon in the anime especially Pikachu


milotic2 August 26 2020, 19:55:13 UTC
Could it be Tracy?


thisoneputa August 26 2020, 19:58:41 UTC
lmao yes

why is he in the anime? I think he doesn't even appear in the games?


umilicious August 27 2020, 05:19:26 UTC
Doesn’t the Snap protagonist look like Tracy? I always assumed that they were the same character


icetypejim August 26 2020, 20:00:25 UTC
The show has consistently aired since the 90s and has had several spin-offs on top of that lol. It basically gets a "new" anime everytime a new mainline game comes out.


yurasama_love August 26 2020, 21:19:27 UTC
The anime has been consistently running for over 20 years. It's basically a how to for kids on how to play the games.


invisiblegirlx August 26 2020, 21:53:45 UTC
It's made for kids in Japan and yes they still watch it.


tadpool August 26 2020, 22:09:00 UTC
kids still watch pokemon because they don't care about the OGs lol


akaich0u August 27 2020, 03:46:55 UTC
Of course people still watch it. It's heavily discussed in Japan, by adults too.


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