'Reign' Star Adelaide Kane Breaks Down Her Finances

Aug 26, 2020 14:52

Remind me to...never become famous?? pic.twitter.com/757zyqFIbQ
- Kelsie Nick (@kelsienick0531) August 24, 2020


Adelaide Kane acted in 78 Reign episodes and reportedly made 15k per episode

the internet say her net worth is $4 million

she made a tiktok video to explain how wrong that number is

“So I found out today the internet thinks I ( Read more... )

australian celebrities, reign (cw), actor / actress

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snuffyqui45 August 26 2020, 13:07:25 UTC

That's crazy. That's a number you should be taxing a corporation (without any nonsense loopholes or breaks) not a person who isn't a jillionaire


sarahvma August 26 2020, 13:42:52 UTC
That's a pretty normal tax rate in Canada, fwiw.


fernandocolunga August 26 2020, 13:45:44 UTC
after i moved to europe i'm like damn this is low


drunkenclaudius August 26 2020, 15:09:20 UTC
Lmao right? Its 50% here over 70k


insomniachobs August 26 2020, 13:48:31 UTC
Maybe my view is skewed by being in the UK, but that seems fairly normal for a higher earner to me.

Here you get taxed nothing on the first 12.5k, 20% on whatever you make between that and 50k, and for anything over 50k it's 40%.


komnene August 26 2020, 13:53:03 UTC
That's a lot less than she would be getting taxed in Australia, though dunno how much she would be claiming in tax rebates. Having said that in Australia we have basic social services... (And also our corporations get away with paying no tax too lol).


a_model_citizen August 26 2020, 14:03:29 UTC
I’m an American who’s not at all rich and I’m taxed over 30% between city, state and federal.


dandyxwarhol August 26 2020, 14:10:51 UTC
Yeah I am also American and that's not really that far off from what I get taxed


looneyboy83 August 26 2020, 16:09:20 UTC
my state doesnt have a state tax


megalixer August 26 2020, 17:05:07 UTC
yeah I was about to be all "that's nuts!" and then I realized that's about what I pay too lol


a_model_citizen August 26 2020, 17:10:30 UTC
Some people live in states with no state income tax. My state takes them ALL lol.

The whole “Americans have low taxes” thing only applies for certain states. R.I.P. to those of us in California, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut etc 😫


megalixer August 26 2020, 17:20:10 UTC
lol yup I live in boston ;-; and get fucked with rent on top of that.

I mean I shouldn't bitch too much, I don't have debt, I have good savings, etc. I'm pro-social democracy and like my tax-funded parks, public transport, etc… but gawddamn if I could have texas rent and state income tax without the texas politics 👀


a_model_citizen August 26 2020, 17:50:22 UTC
I live in Boston too! But I’m actually moving next week because it’s not worth it right now with coronavirus. I’m moving back to my hometown where I’m getting a 3 bed 2 bath condo for the same price as my ROOM in a shared apartment here.

I’m not psyched about the politics but I’m soooooooo excited to live alone and have my own space. It’s just not possible in Boston unless you’re rich sadly :(


megalixer August 26 2020, 18:09:37 UTC
girlllll I just renewed my lease paying $1200/mo for half a 2BR in ALLSTON and I don't even think that's bad for the market here considering that it's big (for boston) and renovated (for boston) ;-;

my work was SO back-and-forth on when/if we'd be going back to the office but one of my co-workers just moved to california so lmaooo. (though the time difference is WOOF, I don't feel bad for her during morning meetings haha.)

I should have at least rented in the burbs for a year ;-;


browneyedguuurl August 26 2020, 21:10:27 UTC
I wouldn’t have a problem with paying the taxes I do if people and corporations who can actually afford to pay would. Instead, we are the ones doing the heavy lifting. It sucks!


lokiyan August 28 2020, 17:51:07 UTC
I live in NYC now and honestly Massachusetts (my home state) is one of a handful of states that are on my list for when I get older. A lot of things are shit, but I've seen my parents as they age and honestly, they do a decent job at taking care of their aging population.


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