I love Kevin Bacon, but should we tell him about Tejin??
https://t.co/LWHefawXQS- Padma Lakshmi (@PadmaLakshmi)
August 23, 2020Kevin Bacon broke down his “morning mango routine” with a step-by-step tutorial video on his favorite way to prepare and eat his fruit. The Tremors star, 62, posted the video on TikTok on Saturday, August 22, and noted
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I've had some trouble with the plants but overall it's fucking amazing. There is nothing like a fresh garden tomato. I usually put salt and black pepper and garlic powder on them along with olive oil and basil. Sometimes a little smoked paprika.
I bought plants from the store, I'd say about 3-ish weeks after planting they really started to flower, they also need full sun. It also depends, sometimes they flower really early.
thanks for the info! mine have been around for...months. both of them aren't flowering yet. I was giving them full sun outside until the fires made the air too smoky. So now they stay next to the window. They seem otherwise healthy.
Oh you're in California right now? Sorry about the smoke :( I don't think tomato plants can do very well inside, at least I've never heard of that being a thing. They are extremely sensitive plants so you probably made a good call to keep them in for now. You should also purchase some garden lime, the plants need a lot of calcium and if they dont you'll see blossom end rot on the fruit (basically ruining the fruit) especially if you're growing in pots.
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