Zoe Saldana Says She ‘Should Have Never’ Played Nina Simone In Biopic

Aug 05, 2020 16:27

#ZoeSaldana says she regrets playing Nina Simone in a biopic that involved darkening her skin and wearing prosthetics https://t.co/BfaXX0BpQY
- ET Canada (@ETCanada) August 5, 2020
Saldana’s casting as Simone in the 2016 biopic “Nina” caused a stir at the time, due to the fact that Saldana, who is Afro-Latinx, darkened her light skin and wore ( Read more... )

apology / damage control, black celebrities, latino celebrities, zoe saldana, casting / auditions

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joyriders August 5 2020, 14:40:29 UTC
ok but can these assholes have these self reflective come to jesus moments when they actually have a chance to right their wrongs?

lady, people told you the WHOLE TIME this was a bad idea and you still collected your check and did it anyway.

this sort of hindsight rings so hollow.


Re: I have guest trackers off_daze August 6 2020, 20:55:47 UTC
That makes sense! I never considered that before. That's a positive way to build community!


elderpricely August 6 2020, 14:53:30 UTC
yeah, it's bizarre. I also realized that since I won a paid account with the 12 days of ONTD, I get access to stats for posts I make.

On average I've noticed that there are 10x as many registered users that visit posts as compared to the # of comments, and 10x as many randoms as registered users. So in posts that have 200 comments, 2,000 registered users visit and 20,000 random people do.


off_daze August 6 2020, 20:58:49 UTC
I am actually shook by that. I had no idea the lurkers were in the tens of thousands! I guess we just have to be careful about sharing info that's super identifying because we don't know who's out there taking notes to upload to Reddit. Honestly, that is so wild.


elvenqueen86 August 5 2020, 20:38:40 UTC
I’ve noticed it a lot more recently, but I’ll be scrolling through some completely random thread on r/news or r/tv and someone will mention ontd. Then there’s a thread of “that still exists?” “I remember back in the Britney days...” etc etc. Makes me wonder if a lot of people are rediscovering it during quarantine, while searching for some light celebrity drama to escape you know... everything.


off_daze August 5 2020, 22:34:29 UTC
That's true. I never thought about that. I think I am hearing more about lurkers these days but maybe they have always been there and we are just more aware because of the random down votes people are getting.


sandstorm August 6 2020, 01:30:56 UTC
Even as a com on a dying platform, I wish we could be private. It wouldn't stop those who are already members from spying, but it would stop everyone else.


nomoneyfun August 5 2020, 17:10:10 UTC
The fact that it's mostly comprised of people calling Black users aggressive...the racism just jumps all the way out


whysogayprop8 August 5 2020, 21:36:20 UTC

NOT the clown car!


trendsnational August 5 2020, 15:10:46 UTC
Halle Berry did.


cbluechicken August 5 2020, 15:39:43 UTC
yeah she did. It was messy but I feel like she did more than Zoe and countless other people who don't get why it's wrong to play those roles.


aquame August 5 2020, 21:51:47 UTC
Yes to everything in your comment! And Nina's own family didn't want her and the producers to go through with it and they STILL did it. Like, there ain't enough time for how late Zoe's "revelation" is.


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