"Suddenly my body simply revolted," Lena Dunahm wrote. "The nerves in my feet burned and muscles wouldn’t seem to do their job. My hands were numb"
https://t.co/DjCYZEqqzS- Vulture (@vulture)
August 2, 2020 edit: oop my mini write-up deleted but
- Lena Dunham was confirmed covid-19 positive in March
- Initially her symptoms mirrored her other chronic conditions; achy joints. The next day fatigue set in and her fever spiked. Shortly after her body "revolted" and other symptoms developed like lack of taste, numbness, nerve pain, hacking cough, shortness of breath, pounding headaches and more.
- After a month of treatment by her private doctor, she tested negative but she still experienced numbness and a unending migraine
- She acknowledges the privilege she has to have private healthcare and a flexible job, and asks people to be "sensible and compassionate" to prevent the spread of disease.
@JakePaul says that he doesn’t know if he will stop partying during the COVID-19 pandemic:
“No one has answers, our leadership is failing us... But I personally am not the type of person who’s gonna sit around and not live my life.”
https://t.co/sxwtsieSA6 pic.twitter.com/eSSLI93XpU- Pop Crave (@PopCrave)
August 2, 2020 Sources:
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