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theoryofwar July 4 2020, 21:29:14 UTC
I went to school with Reid Fliehr, Ric Fliehrs son. He was a total dick, but I was still sad to hear he passed. He was so young :/

I'm pretty sure that's the only famous person I went to school with. TBH, I blocked most of my school years out, it was fucking horrible.


shahrazade_bard July 4 2020, 21:57:35 UTC
Are you from NC? Because that's where I went to university--which happened to be the same one that Ashley Fliehr went to. I never met her, but my roommate moved in the same circles as her. I heard secondhand that she was kind of stuck up but never really heard anything anecdotes to back it up. I guess she always wanted to be a pro wrestler, because she was pretty muscular even back then, and this one time my roommate's boyfriend crossed paths with her at a party when he was super drunk and dumbly decided to (loudly) exclaim, "Damn girl, your thighs are HUUUUGE!" and she came very close to knocking him tf out (rightfully so lol).


theoryofwar July 4 2020, 22:42:21 UTC
I am! This was most of grade school to some high school, so he could’ve changed after, but I remember him thinking he was hot shit because of who is dad is, and of course wrestling was super popular back then, so everyone wanted to be friends with him. His father walked in like he owned the place, so it didn’t surprise me how Reid acted.


shahrazade_bard July 4 2020, 22:55:45 UTC
Oh his dad 100% acted like he owned the place. About eight or nine years ago, I was at the Crocodile Rocks bar in Myrtle Beach, and Ric was there with his much younger gf on his arm. The bar had bouncers posted at the doors of the restrooms to (I assume) make sure no one was going in there to fuck (the doors to the restrooms were confusing, and I saw multiple women get shooed away by the bouncers when they tried to go down the wrong side of the hall). Um, except Ric. My friends and I were seated pretty near the ladies room, and we saw him and his gf saunter hand-in-hand towards the bouncer, who stepped to the fucking side and let them right in the women's restroom.


theoryofwar July 4 2020, 23:07:40 UTC
ughh not fucking surprised. Other than Reid being a general dick, I remember they had a really cute dog, which lbr, is the only important part. Now I'm wondering if he signed any of my yearbooks 🤔


shahrazade_bard July 5 2020, 02:48:40 UTC
I'm really beginning to believe that the moral of the story here is that even a modicum of fame turns [most] people into raging assholes.


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