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jazzl3t July 4 2020, 20:51:54 UTC
I saw JGroff during the run of Spring Awakening; you were definitely covered in spit if you sat in the front row. It was basically his signature.


just444 July 4 2020, 20:55:26 UTC
reading this with a covid state of mind: omg


callonme_84 July 4 2020, 20:57:28 UTC


rihaty July 4 2020, 21:02:16 UTC
I saw a one man show with Billy Crudup (it was incredible) but I was front row and lord I saw so much spit come out of his mouth. I can only imagine that's the norm for theater actors that have to project to a whole audience.


gratuity July 4 2020, 22:56:12 UTC
idk as a former musical theatre actor this sort of thing wasn’t like the norm across the board but there were always certain people that were known for this and it was disgusting sharing the stage with them lol


colorsblend July 4 2020, 21:13:04 UTC
Yup. I sat in the front row when I saw it too. Yuck.


scriptedending July 4 2020, 21:15:04 UTC
saw him in Little Shop, and could see the spit from the third row! I know it's natural but it grosses me out so much, esp in hi-def


vulcan_rhapsody July 4 2020, 23:26:43 UTC

Covid made me a lot more paranoid about body fluid


thespockingdead July 5 2020, 00:04:00 UTC
I was front row for a play Chris Pine was in once, in a really small theater where he was right in front of me for most of the show, and I could quite literally feel flecks if his spit hit me in the face SEVERAL times. It was a constant stream of flying spit. He was looking right at me once as his spit landed next to my mouth, and I didn’t want him to see me actively wipe my face in disgust, so I just sat there frozen in horror. It was a long night.


xorogueox July 5 2020, 00:41:28 UTC
This is both disgusting and but also hilarious (your reaction)


rubie_dubidoux July 5 2020, 02:42:13 UTC
omg this is so fucking funny I'm sorry


milkradio July 5 2020, 12:30:48 UTC
i’m screaming lmaooo


whysogayprop8 July 5 2020, 16:36:05 UTC
You should have wiped some spittle off with your finger and sucked it whilst staring in his eyes.


rhapsodeeinblue July 6 2020, 03:20:54 UTC
lol irl


lushlust July 5 2020, 00:47:03 UTC
Moulin Rouge was my first front-row experience and Aaron Tveit’s spit was FLYING. I was ready to get soaked, though.


silverstarry July 5 2020, 16:47:21 UTC
I saw Aaron Tveit in concert a few years ago and the best available seats were in the orchestra section or the mezzanine. I’d never been to this venue before so I had no idea if the orchestra section had a decent rake (I’m short so half the time I get someone tall right in front of me so I can’t see). But since it was a really small venue, I decided I would still have a good view from the mezzanine (which usually has a steeper pitch). Now that I’ve seen your comment, I’m glad I was up high where he couldn’t spit on me!


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