Lionsgate to address blackface episode with title card warning

Jul 01, 2020 19:22

A #MadMen episode featuring John Slattery’s character in blackface will now have a title card in front of it to "provide context for the scene"
- Variety (@Variety) July 1, 2020
The season 3 episode “My Old Kentucky Home,” in which Roger Sterling (played by John Slattery) appears in blackface will have a title card in front of ( Read more... )

television - amc, mad men (amc), race / racism

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shayme July 1 2020, 18:43:10 UTC
I judge people that say they want to go back and live in this era.


isetlights July 1 2020, 19:06:35 UTC
I think lots of people are just bedazzled by the clothing style tbh. People who genuinely want the politics back can fuck off and die tbh.


owl_get_you July 1 2020, 23:31:05 UTC
I’m still pretty pissed at Mad Men because it used to be pretty cheap/easy to get vintage dresses from this era and they’re still really fucking expensive now THANKS BETTY


dreamdate July 1 2020, 19:09:15 UTC
Yup. And sometimes it's about the style of clothes women wore and I'm like, walking around for eight hours in heels? Couldn't be me.


laydownhere July 1 2020, 19:19:55 UTC
Plenty of beautifully done reproductions of 50s styles that DON'T require a girdle to wear!


tadpool July 1 2020, 19:33:44 UTC
mte, and like if people really just like the dressing style... nothing is stopping you from wearing it now


vibeology_e July 1 2020, 22:57:18 UTC
This. Mad Men style was all over the stores when this show aired. Those trends will cycle around over and over.


ohwutevernvm July 1 2020, 19:11:40 UTC
Yep. There are tons of weirdos insisting on their wishes to be back in those era. So they can get their stupid ice cream for aesthetics. You just know they ain’t right in the head when come to American history. Like.... LMAO


progression July 1 2020, 19:22:37 UTC
I do think a lot of people talk about good parts of the "olden days" when they say stuff like this, without thinking too much of all the negative aspects of whatever era.

Like, I spent 1990 to 1995 in a war zone back home. But, everyone around me is constantly reminiscing about being a 90s kid (in America). Can't relate!


purrple_267 July 1 2020, 19:59:37 UTC
Just guessing - the Balkans?

My country was in the Soviet Union from WWII till the nineties, so nineties was a 'wild', but good time for us. We don't have nostalgia for earlier times though and our boomers are generally poorer than millenials.


progression July 1 2020, 20:42:33 UTC
Balkans, indeed!

"Wild, but good" sounds fun, lol. What country are you from?


purrple_267 July 1 2020, 21:03:36 UTC
I'm in the Baltics! We got our freedom and mostly unregulated capitalism for the first time in half a century in the nineties. And all the Western media and music (though that had been flowing in earlier as well), so on some level we had similar experiences to that of Americans as far as movies/music/fashion. Not so much in the socioeconomic and political sense.


asnindie July 1 2020, 21:05:39 UTC
My friend constantly blabs she wishes she could be in the 30s because of the dresses and it makes my mind numb with how stupid the comment is


omni_videns July 5 2020, 21:34:32 UTC
I saw a pin that said "Vintage style, not vintage values" and I think that's where a lot of people are with it.


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