Brandon Flynn's Attractiveness Has Reached Deadly Levels

Jun 17, 2020 18:40

Everyone's favorite former Richard Madden Roomate and co-star of "13 Reasons Why", Brandon Flynn, is starring in his first feature film "Looks That Kill".

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Brandon plays Max Richardson, a young man who was born with a unique ailment -- a lethally attractive face. The film appears to be is a twist on the young adult genre with a mixture of magical reailsm -- think if "The Fault in Our Stars" had a baby with "Edwards Scissorhands".

The movie also stars: Ki Hong Lee ("Maze Runner") and Julia Goldani Telles ("The Affair").

The film is now available for pre-order on iTunes ($6.99).


asian celebrities, 13 reasons why (netflix), film - comedy, film - fantasy, film - drama, actor / actress
