Ricky Martin: “I’m a threat for this (racist) people... I didn’t think the USA was like this”.

Jun 07, 2020 17:21

Ricky Martin: “Soy un hombre latino y homosexual viviendo en los Estados Unidos, soy una amenaza” https://t.co/ftsBUV6mCM
- infobae (@infobae) June 7, 2020
During an interview with radio host, Enrique Santos, Ricky Martin said that he is a threat since he’s a homosexual, Latin man married to an Arab man living in the USA ( Read more... )

ricky martin, interview, race / racism

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ohmylol June 7 2020, 23:17:11 UTC
Exactly!! especially as a latino, how you "can't imagine" that, it's there! it's blatant!


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ohmylol June 7 2020, 23:34:49 UTC
i mean, maybe but there are a lot of anti-us puerto-ricans, look at residente, i don't get it either.


triviagogo29 June 7 2020, 23:56:50 UTC
He has been rich as fuck for like decades, was one of those #ImWithHer celebs and well.... rich Latinos can super easily be sheltered from anything and everything in the US, especially in places like Miami etc.

So I’m not surprised tbqh.


anniecresta June 8 2020, 00:21:11 UTC
i’m not surprised because at least in my home country most latinos see the US as this perfect paradise where all their dreams will come true and its government will save them~. like, getting the chance to move here means that you “made it” in life. i’m from Venezuela lol


xorogueox June 8 2020, 02:54:15 UTC
Thank you for this comment! I was getting so annoyed reading some of these front page comments-- ppl in here are talking from a super "resides in the US-centric point of view." Yes the US sucks to us, but from the POV of many immigrants? Not so much, comparatively speaking. Most latinos I know that have immigrated here love this country, want to be in this country ( ... )


browneyedguuurl June 8 2020, 03:58:40 UTC
I feel your pain.


ishumy June 8 2020, 04:33:23 UTC
I replied to this before reading your comment, but it's so true. Once I had a fight with my mom for this exact reason, because even her (an educated, left-leaning Venezuelan woman) couldn't understand why I hated the US culture so much. Many Latin Americans truly aspire to that US suburban, debt-collecting, life-to-work capitalist lifestyle and they cannot understand all the valid criticism.


potatoehead25 June 8 2020, 13:57:04 UTC
This is what happens in my country too, so sad


browneyedguuurl June 8 2020, 00:23:13 UTC
Go see my reply in the next page. It explains why he and so many other PRicans think like that.


ishumy June 8 2020, 04:29:24 UTC
Idk, there are SO MANY Latin Americans who still idolize the US, especially your average middle/upper-middle class. I know I ruffled a lot of feathers whenever I talked to my family and friends about how much I hated the US culture and lifestyle and how I didn't want to live there forever. Even when you know what's wrong, you don't really get it until you've lived there.


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