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inwazyja May 30 2020, 14:45:01 UTC
Big Bengals Theory sounds like a fun documentary about tigers and I’d absolutely watch that, tbh.


aleksie May 30 2020, 15:37:29 UTC
The next show we need.


jigglemypuff May 30 2020, 16:08:26 UTC
Wrong. It’s about fat men from Cincinnati.


zazie_toujours May 30 2020, 14:47:13 UTC
See how long this video is? Vote Sherlock!


scarygibberish May 30 2020, 14:53:24 UTC
I’ve never seen Sherlock but I dislike Moffat so much, I’m voting for it


her_schism May 30 2020, 16:09:34 UTC
I didn't even watch Sherlock and this vid is great.


decim May 30 2020, 16:25:54 UTC
love hbomberguy so much

ALSO i remember fucking loving the adventures of shirley holmes as a kid


pikapika217 May 30 2020, 14:55:14 UTC
Sherlock personally harrassed Elementary - both the fandom and the actors - so it always gets my vote while TBBT is worse because at least GoT people will accept that their show deserves criticism vs. TBBT fans who will say 'well it's JUST A SITCOM'


arellaj May 30 2020, 15:04:50 UTC
Not to mention Martin Freeman call Lucy Liu a dog...


drunkenclaudius May 30 2020, 15:12:32 UTC
Ew, shoot the hobbit into the sun


zazie_toujours May 30 2020, 15:40:59 UTC
??? martin freeman with his face like a cobbler's bollock????? was he joking?


dior_chic May 30 2020, 14:55:35 UTC
I feel like I know plenty of people who watch TBBT but aren’t passionate about the show in the slightest. I’m curious about how the show will be talked about 10 years, I don’t see the show receiving as much nostalgia 90s sitcoms get but who knows. But GOT I had to deal with fans talking about it as if it was the greatest thing for years so that’s why I’m giving GOT my vote. I had to dip out of so many conversations about the show since I never cared about it.


su_metal May 30 2020, 15:00:48 UTC
I voted for GOT because I only enjoyed S1 (I still was annoyed by the changes they made to the characters' personalities) but I liked the first 3 seasons of TBBT. They were 3 mediocre seasons but less shitty than S4 and beyond (I stopped mid S4).

For GOT I couldn't go after S3 and was hate-watching. Too much rape, sexism, and changes from the books for the worst (which weren't a pure gem either).

I understand why it was so beloved, it was always a gorgeous and entertaining pile of shit.


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