Characters Who We Loved When The Show Started, But Hated By The End

May 27, 2020 00:29

22 Characters Who We Loved When The Show Started, But Hated By The End
- BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) 26. Mai 2020



- Angela Moss from Mr. Robot
- Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls
- Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones
- Will Schuester from Glee
- Tom Haverford from Parks and Recreation

glee (fox), list, gilmore girls (cw / netflix), parks and recreation (nbc), mr. robot (usa), game of thrones (hbo), television

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slaughtermatic May 26 2020, 23:28:06 UTC
ive never gotten parks and rec, because it had 2 seasons of actual content, and then ot was just awesome things happen to bad people and lets make them sympathetic the rest of the longass show.


goodnightsong May 26 2020, 23:35:03 UTC
I’m late to watching the show, but I finished it all a few weeks ago and I was so annoyed how she constantly acted towards Ann.


choukoumei May 26 2020, 23:52:10 UTC
Agreed. I tolerated her attitude when she was the young intern but it got very tired the longer she worked there and was supposed to be an adult who was friends with these people.


littleorcs May 26 2020, 23:56:52 UTC
Agreed. Aubrey Plaza adds nothing to anything she's in, and April was just straight up unlikeable


tetrazzinichikn May 27 2020, 00:02:03 UTC
Aubrey Plaza can and has only played versions of herself.


rainbows_are_ok May 27 2020, 00:25:48 UTC
loving ur parks and rec opinions because they are all CORRECT


vespertinev May 27 2020, 00:29:13 UTC
I will never understand ontd's hate for Aubrey Plaza.


alienjive May 27 2020, 01:22:31 UTC
Mte I’m shocked rn omg she’s always fun to me lol


vespertinev May 27 2020, 06:01:37 UTC
They've hated her ever since she got "big" because they loved her in the beginning of parks.


video_drome May 27 2020, 00:31:50 UTC
April seemed like such a beloved character, but I just couldn't stand her. I found her irritating the majority of the time

Tbh I felt the same way about Ron Swanson. Everyone LOVED his character, but I hated him


drbat May 27 2020, 00:35:24 UTC
She was great in Legion.


crayzee_mouse May 27 2020, 08:25:58 UTC
Yesss, the ‘Feeling Good’ scene was a highlight, and in the last episode she was in in S3 she did great work.


therearewords May 27 2020, 09:10:00 UTC


lozbabie May 27 2020, 00:42:11 UTC
God yes. She never grew up. She was always that annoying teenager in how she acted.


green_monsterx May 27 2020, 00:48:42 UTC
I liked her at first but then I really just started to hate her. The way she was with Ann was so fucking annoying and childish, and I don’t even care about Ann.

I also hate how they made Andy progressively more stupid to the point where there is no way someone like that could function in reality. They dumbed him down with the Eric from BMW treatment


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