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peddlestools May 23 2020, 14:24:56 UTC
Why isn't six feet under number 1 tho

I wanna fight now

Edit: I had to stop watching it bc I started full on sobbing at 30 seconds now. It always makes me cry but with the pandemic idk


friarsfire May 23 2020, 14:35:26 UTC
mte! I played the clip for a second but immediately knew I couldn’t handle it so I tried to play the song and lasted about 10s. It’s a lot to handle during this pandemic.


ashlibrooke May 23 2020, 15:35:07 UTC
I agree. I don't think any song has ever been more perfect for a scene. And I have yet to find a series finale that is better than Six Feet Under.


ekrelly May 23 2020, 15:51:25 UTC
Mte. Six feet under should be #1! I can’t listen to breathe me without crying. The finale was so perfect but so sad


alpherg May 23 2020, 17:02:16 UTC
MTE. It was perfect.


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