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ahkna May 9 2020, 15:56:02 UTC
I gave up on this show ages ago for not being good, but I will maintain forever that Annalise Keating is one of the greatest characters ever on television.


ms_mmelissa May 9 2020, 16:06:41 UTC
It's Viola. The real tragedy of this show was always that she could turn this soap opera into something real and gritty and incredible but she was surrounded by CW level talent.

At least she got an Emmy and financial stability out of it!


ahkna May 9 2020, 16:10:53 UTC
Very true. I think the character herself is rare and interesting, but Viola takes it to the highest level possible.


friarsfire May 9 2020, 17:37:23 UTC
When you say she’s surrounded by C-level talent are you including (or talking specifically about) the cast? Because I think there are a few without range but I feel like the plots of Season 2 and beyond have been beyond and the shows biggest deficit.


frickinawesome7 May 9 2020, 18:28:12 UTC
frankthesheep May 9 2020, 18:30:44 UTC


ohmylol May 9 2020, 18:35:52 UTC
I think Annaliese is a very interesting character that in the hands of a better writer could have been an amazing one but yeah, it's Viola , and she shines even more because she is in another level of good acting when most of the cast aren't good(except Liza Weil and the guy who portrays Frank and in general the more veteran actors, the younger ones... I liked Alfie though)

If she wants to be on tv again I hope she lands a cable show, can you imagine her in a HBO or FX show?? She would kill it


ms_mmelissa May 9 2020, 21:49:42 UTC
can you imagine her in a HBO or FX show??

Once upon a time, like 7 years ago she and Dee Rees were supposed to make a TV show at HBO. It collapsed but I hope they work together again on something we actually get to watch.


hewontgo May 9 2020, 16:16:17 UTC
This is so true
The K5 made it so hard to watch the show


arellaj May 9 2020, 16:28:56 UTC
Yeah I just came to the realization that she's one of my alltime fave characters.


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