Just so we're clear...
Katie Couric referred to Denzel Washington as "Holywood folk."
Denzel Washington responded " I'm not a Hollywood folk. I don't know who they are. I'm a human being. My job is acting."
Couric: He "jumped all over me."
https://t.co/GvvPN7pz0y- Shanita Hubbard (@msshanitarenee)
April 29, 2020 - Katie Couric appeared on some podcast to promote god knows what and recalls a very Karen-esque moment she had with Denzel
- In addition to calling to ‘uncomfortable, Couric goes on to say that Denzel ‘kinda jumped all over me’
- She went on to sing his praises and said he was probably having a bad day and he later wrote her a check for her charity.
- Read the CNN article for more on this clownery
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