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Comments 24

Farmer's Markets analievelyn April 30 2020, 03:50:50 UTC
Do any of yall eat pork belly.?

There's this spot that has yummy pork belly tacos.

I can buy it by the pound from them, but it still feels risky since it's at a farmers market.

Are any of yall going to your local farmers market rn. It sucks bc those spaces are more likely to have food that is more ethically sourced, which is so important, esp rn. But they are so crowded and the lines, etc. So frustrating.


Re: Farmer's Markets patchsassy April 30 2020, 05:12:53 UTC
The vendors at my local farmers market (in Texas) have options for picking up at their farms or home delivery, so you just might see what their other options are.


anterrabre April 30 2020, 04:10:08 UTC
Hometown>Fixer Upper. i love Erin and Ben. They're not afraid to use color, and Ben always makes something nice for the homeowners. They also have clientale from every walk of life and are sweet to everyone.


tanglespiders April 30 2020, 04:38:52 UTC
Okay, so I'm not alone!


anterrabre April 30 2020, 04:47:35 UTC
It also helps that Ben is like Erin's partner and acts like an adult as opposed to a manchild who eats giant roaches...


picturemegone April 30 2020, 16:40:04 UTC
mte Hometown is so much better. I can't stand Chip.


syphilisdiller April 30 2020, 04:21:50 UTC
i just made some chicken & broccoli- i used a honey, soy sauce, and garlic marinade- it turned out sooo good


anterrabre April 30 2020, 14:26:05 UTC
Oooh, that sounds good. How did you prepare the chicken? Recipe, please!


syphilisdiller April 30 2020, 18:46:17 UTC
this is the marinade i used-


i just let a few thawed chicken breasts sit in it for about 5 hours in the fridge, then baked them in the oven at 425 for about 20ish minutes (i also poured the marinade over them before they went in)


anterrabre April 30 2020, 19:56:52 UTC
Thank you! Do you think it will work with thighs as well?


talklikelions April 30 2020, 04:31:15 UTC

Oh ok Meghan made Harry skip the queen’s birthday...because flying to London is a great idea rn

My bf and I saw The Lodge back in February and Alicia Silverstone was in it, I was v surprised to see her in a smaller horror movie


patchsassy April 30 2020, 05:14:00 UTC
Oh ok Meghan made Harry skip the queen’s birthday...because flying to London is a great idea rn

MTE. Also, Archie's birthday party is canceled! Yeah, all birthday parties should be canceled in North America, except the ones happening over Zoom.


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