Vegas Mayor Goes Viral after Interview Judd Apatow and Jimmy Kimmel Go In

Apr 22, 2020 15:11

Wow- the Mayor of Las Vegas Carolyn Goodman is a dangerous fool. Watch this and always remember how important your vote is. There are some really stupid people out there who can end your life.
- Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) April 22, 2020
Judd Apatow and Jimmy Kimmel go in on Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman. The mayor is seeking ( Read more... )

jimmy kimmel, judd apatow

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musicnkisses April 23 2020, 00:18:48 UTC
She said “I have a family” like no one else does.


neev April 23 2020, 00:22:36 UTC
I cannot fathom being that fucking callously self-centered and not having the sense to keep those sorts of comments off the record. Like what is wrong with this woman?


elvenqueen86 April 23 2020, 01:16:42 UTC
Politicians realize now that there are literally ZERO consequences. So now they say whatever the fuck they want, because they know they won't have to resign or they'll still be re-elected, and if they're not, they'll get a nice cushy ass job straight out of office "consulting" for some company they gave shit to while in office.


onyxobsidian April 23 2020, 17:06:16 UTC
It disgusts me that anyone in any sort of power has about 1% chance of consequences for their actions. Major CEOs can be the most absolute scum of the earth but the most they'll deal with is getting fired/asked to step down with a 100% guarantee of a cushy life.


rubie_dubidoux April 23 2020, 04:12:40 UTC
and also I know this is far from the point but is that not lowkey shade towards people who do gamble/patronize these casinos? like yeah fuck y'all childless losers seeking to fill the void by coming to Vegas!


birkenstoxxx April 23 2020, 15:35:05 UTC
moreso it's incredibly insulting to the employees; i'm sure some of them have families, i'm sure many of them would rather not have to come to the casino during a pandemic if they didn't have to do so in order to pay their bills and feed their families.


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