Outlander star Sam Heughan slams bullies for “six years of harassment and stalking”

Apr 17, 2020 04:20

Stay safe all.x pic.twitter.com/9WbwAnT6nz
- Sam Heughan (@SamHeughan) April 17, 2020

A follow up to this postThe Scottish actor took to social media last night to write a statement and said that he and his family had been subjected to death threats and abuse by unnamed individuals. The Outlander actor also defended his decision to isolate in ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, rumors / gossip, fandom / stan culture, covid-19, outlander (starz), actor / actress

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rubie_dubidoux April 17 2020, 13:04:04 UTC
this isn't entirely related but reminds me - I know someone who knows someone who rents out an Airbnb and had a guest who checked out right before the lockdowns started (but while it was starting to ramp up). They went up afterward to get some supplies they had up there for guests since stores were starting to get crazy and discovered that the guest had taken with them every single roll of toilet paper they had had stored in a closet there - 4 whole Costco cases. Apparently they left behind ONE half roll in the bathroom. Now apparently they don't want to leave a bad review of the guest because they're afraid of retaliation but like... is that not what reviewing guests is for? What would you do?


ailinex April 17 2020, 13:15:01 UTC
Wow that is wild. Some people have no sense of right or wrong. It's so shameless omg


patty_hewes April 17 2020, 13:16:08 UTC
I would do it! tf
behave like a civilized human


sobremarina April 17 2020, 13:19:45 UTC
thats literally theft


matsjhummels April 17 2020, 14:14:06 UTC
I thought you can’t see each other’s reviews until X amount of days later, after which point neither can add or edit a review? At least that’s how I remember it a few years ago.


rubie_dubidoux April 17 2020, 14:16:40 UTC
yeah same, I thought the whole point of that was for this exact type of reason, to prevent retaliatory reviews. I guess they were afraid that they would find a loophole, which I'm sure is technically possible - that they would say "this person stole our toilet paper" and the guest would turn around and tell Airbnb in a separate complaint that the toilet paper was never there and they were lying etc etc idek


bananainpyjamas April 17 2020, 14:54:14 UTC
It's theft, leave a bad review.


likeiused2 April 17 2020, 15:07:20 UTC
there are separate rating and comment sections for the public and privately for guests (at least as a guest). but as a host, I probably wouldn't do anything to harm my 5 star rating, because those are real serious. i'd contact airbnb about it!!!


elderpricely April 17 2020, 16:11:12 UTC
they stole enough to cover part of their stay lmao

definitely report/review them


rubie_dubidoux April 18 2020, 01:02:24 UTC
lol ikr? idk how much this airbnb was going for but those big ol Costco packs add up


spellgabbana April 17 2020, 16:50:11 UTC
i have never used any things ike airbnb or uber but i am so confused when i hear people talk about the rating systems and don't get how everyone gives 5 stars even if the experience is shitty. if a driver went on a racist rant, i wouldn't give them 5 stars. if someone stole my toilet paper, i wouldn't give them 5 stars. what is the point of these rating systems if awful behavior still gets 5 stars???


tigirah April 17 2020, 18:57:19 UTC
The guest wont see the host's review until the guest posts their own review of the host, FYI.


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