Moulin Rouge's Aaron Tveit and Danny Burstein test positive for Coronavirus

Apr 14, 2020 21:23

Aaron Tveit Thought He Had a Cold - It Turned Out to be Coronavirus
- Variety (@Variety) April 2, 2020

Aaron Tveit talks to Variety about how he had tested positive for Coronavirus after two of his other castmates in Moulin Rouge had the virus. He says he suffered only 'mild ( Read more... )

aaron tveit, broadway / theatre, covid-19

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jigglemypuff April 14 2020, 21:35:36 UTC
It’s amazing how celebrities can get tests.


vulcan_rhapsody April 14 2020, 21:43:00 UTC


slinkydinks April 15 2020, 01:23:03 UTC
Hijacking to say NIH is doing testing now for undetected cases if you are interested in volunteering. You can go to a testing station in-person or have them mail you a kit. Now, I don't know if they'll send you the results, but even if they do, the test isn't even close to 100% accurate. Anyway, if you're interested:


jellybonessss April 15 2020, 04:01:59 UTC
Thanks for this link! I sent them an email to volunteer


genbu_no_miko24 April 14 2020, 21:44:22 UTC
Aaron mentioned feeling a cold since early March but it was nothing more than allergies and runny nose so he thought nothing of it and carried on.

He started quarantining after cast members started feeling something but he also visited his ENT who said he had something viral but that no flags were raised.

Aaron mentioned that it was pretty much the producers who acted quickly after 2 people tested positive. He mentioned they used a doctor who works with the broadway community and he had the tests.


(The comment has been removed)

justabwaybaby April 14 2020, 22:25:04 UTC
Do you know how much spit you release when you sing? I went to a show years ago and ended up with front row center seats. I ended up with drops of spit on my face. I saw Jonathan Groff in Spring Awakening later and it was just... spit everywhere.
In this case they would have been tested around the time theaters shut down- they shut down March 12, Aaron Tveit posted about being positive March 23. If he waited a week for results then he was infected while performing. So that's the cast that's exposed, plus crew, plus audience. So if someone was in the front rows of the orchestra of the show on the 11th and comes down with covid there's a decent chance they caught it there.


weighty_ghost April 14 2020, 22:57:06 UTC
Not to get into the rest of this and I don’t know the American system entirely but to your last point - yes, there are doctors that work in specific fields. Like sports teams have their own doctors. It makes sense if there is one for Broadway, for the strain on vocals and the body that happens. It’s not because they’re a fan.


genbu_no_miko24 April 14 2020, 23:11:02 UTC
With the broadway or stage community I wouldn't surprised to see that they have connections with doctors given that they're always worried about a cough, cold, flu or any accident that could putting off a show.

Clearly the producers have the connections since they're the ones that acted quick.


jazzl3t April 14 2020, 23:24:50 UTC
It's probably the producers covering their asses. If you are producing a broadway show, you are probably rich enough and connected enough to find tests.

If they didn't have producers they have, they certainly would be less likely to be tested which applies to most theatre productions - cast and crew (sans big broadway shows).


analievelyn April 14 2020, 21:50:45 UTC
it's infuriating af


alohayall April 14 2020, 22:07:53 UTC
I’m lucky I work at a hospital where all you have to do is fart and you’ll get tested. We’ve got a rapid test now that can come back in 15 minutes and we’ve gone from about 3% positive to 5%. It’s horrifying that so many places are still having trouble getting tests. The numbers would be so much higher if widespread testing were available


swissbeauty23 April 14 2020, 23:33:18 UTC
it's infuriating to watch


unchoco April 15 2020, 05:23:41 UTC
Right? Nurses at my job can’t even get the rapid test. They have to wait for the 24 hour test.


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