The Strokes released the first episode of their podcast/pirate radio show? on their youtube channel.
Hello prisoners of earth,
Like many out there we are staying pretty much at home and keeping to ourselves. We wanted to see if we could connect with folks, and turned what was supposed to be a pirate radio thing for our album release (which we would make in-person) into a video chat instead... "5 guys talking about things they know nothing about." In light of everything that’s been happening, we hope this distracts you during your quarantine... Love The Strokes
[Spoiler (click to open)]Summary -Recorded on zoom -Fab is quarantined by himself. -Albert was the first to have a car interview show. Doesn't know where the footage is -Julian asked if anyone had read Meet Me In the Bathroom -Talked about the passing of Bill Withers. Watched his performance of Lean On Me -Jan Wenner, creator of Rolling Stone Magazine, called Julian tone-deaf and slapped Fab -Nick plays La Bamba on guitar. Fab tries to sing along -Played a concert with Lou Reed and calls themselves idiots for not getting good footage of it