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lauren901 April 9 2020, 00:23:00 UTC


picturemegone April 9 2020, 00:32:28 UTC
mte they're even asking about it at the white house like we don't have more important things to deal with

Trump is asked about a pardon for Joe Exotic of Tiger King.

Trump: "I know nothing about it...he has 22 for what? What did he do?"

Trump to the reporter asking/explaining: "You think he didn't do it? Are you on his side? Are you recommending a pardon?"
- Daniel Dale (@ddale8) April 8, 2020


fffireburns April 9 2020, 01:47:46 UTC
What. the. fuck. This country is so fucked, I s2g.


sailormood April 9 2020, 00:17:46 UTC
That's a weird pic of Mila? very Jolie but the mouth...

Woody Allen's Kinky Confessions - fucking keep it away from us

Huh no headlines of Ben and his possible baby mama?


patchsassy April 9 2020, 05:41:20 UTC
Also a week with no Brad Pitt-Jennifer Aniston-marriage-baby rumors.


nerwende April 9 2020, 14:05:10 UTC
Look again at the top corner of Globe 😂


zibbydoo324 April 9 2020, 00:25:19 UTC
This has to be tough times for tabloids.


therearewords April 9 2020, 04:53:54 UTC
My thoughts exactly, this isn't fun or inspiring.


xcollsangelx April 9 2020, 00:26:15 UTC
SCREAMING at the Queen's teeth falling out headline.


shittysoup April 9 2020, 00:32:39 UTC

shittysoup April 9 2020, 00:32:23 UTC

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