Move over, Wendy's, there's a new corporate Twitter account in town!

Apr 08, 2020 15:00

Well, it's not exactly new (it's been around since 2009) but the Steak Umms Twitter account has been gaining attention recently for its insightful commentary on contemporary American culture. The beloved shaved-beef sandwich posted a series of tweets Monday that have the internet buzzing:

friendly reminder in times of uncertainty and misinformation: anecdotes are not data. (good) data is carefully measured and collected information based on a range of subject-dependent factors, including, but not limited to, controlled variables, meta-analysis, and randomization
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 7, 2020

outliers attempting to counter global consensus around this pandemic with amateur reporting or unverified sourcing are not collecting data. breaking news stories that only relay initial findings of an event are not collecting data. we have to be careful in our media consumption
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 7, 2020

it can be difficult to know what to believe in a time when institutional trust is diminished and the gatekeepers of information have been dismantled, but it's more crucial now than ever before to follow a range of credentialed sources for both breaking news and data collection
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 7, 2020

all we currently have are limited and evolving metrics that experts are deciphering and acting upon immediately to the best of their ability. this terrain leaves many openings for opportunists and charismatic manipulators to lead people astray by exploiting what they want to hear
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 7, 2020

breaking news and storytelling will always be spun with interpretive bias from different media perspectives, but data is a science that can't be replaced by one-off anecdotes. try to remember this to avoid fear-based sensationalism or conspiracy theories taking over your mind
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 7, 2020

you can maintain independent, critical thinking toward institutions without dipping into fringe conspiracies that get jumpstarted by individual anecdotes being virally spread as data. it's not easy, but it's necessary to keep any semblance of responsible online information flow
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 7, 2020

we're a frozen meat brand posting ads inevitably made to misdirect people and generate sales, so this is peak irony, but hey we live in a society so please make informed decisions to the best of your ability and don't let anecdotes dictate your worldview ok

steak-umm bless
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 7, 2020

if you thought this thread was useful, we posted another one recently touching on small, simple ways that the average person can take on the daily cultural challenges of this pandemic without demonizing or otherizing our neighbors
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 7, 2020

However, this was not the first of Steak-Umm's philosophical and political musings! Check out this thread from last week:

here are some thoughts on how we can come together amidst this pandemic and economic crisis, despite the challenges of misinformation, media inundation, partisanship, and cultural polarization. THREAD
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

this is an unprecedented moment in modern history full of difficult decisions for everyone, from politicians, to businesses, to workers in every field. every decision has consequences. none of it's fair or ideal. all we can do is fight for the best possible outcomes, together
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

not everyone has the chance to stay home and social distance in this crisis. millions of working class people are still keeping food stores stocked, warehouses shipping, and other necessary institutions operational. be thankful for those who wish they could be home safe right now
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

if your basic needs are met and you're working from home, you have more access to information to keep you and your loved ones safe. let this grant you patience with those less fortunate who may not have the same access to understand the scope and severity of this crisis
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

we need solidarity in order to come through this more united than divided. the pandemic is politicized, as every major crisis, so the question is this: how can we react to that politicization in a way that slows tribalism and inspires understanding? what small steps can we take?
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

one step we can all take is becoming more sensitive to rhetoric. how we refer to each other is foundational. we can still point out lies, misinformation, and the like, but with the intent of helping bridging the gap between people, rather than demonizing or "otherizing" them
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

it's best to focus on small ways we can each make an impact. can you spread credible information to those in need? can you spare some groceries for your neighbor? can you check in with someone who's struggling with isolation? can you organize social pressure for positive change?
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

we can offer entertainment and relationship. some people are so glued to their devices right now that any mention of what's happening is instant dread. they need distractions. jokes, drama, food. some people aren't tuned in enough and they need help finding credible resources
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

no one is "perfect." it's impossible to keep up with the latest facts, relevant news, and still be a loving, available person with a job. misteaks will be made. that's ok. that's why we need humility and understanding to admit our uncertainties while still spreading truth in love
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

our future is hinging on the decisions of today. whether it's policy being passed or a phone call to a loved one or a tweet on twitter dot com. our actions matter. and as toxic as online discourse can be, we have to fight for better relationships, information, and legislation
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

there's never gonna be a utopian world where differences disappear. life is politics and politics is fighting. but we can work toward a more mutual understanding so the fights are more against systemic problems, rather than our neighbors

be good to each other, it's always in you
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

play your part however you can. we're in a dystopian time when months feel like years. the emotional weight of online media can be heavy. take a break. talk to friends. listen to credible experts. hang in there. we're in this together

steak-umm bless
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 3, 2020

So... do you agree with the beefsteak?

why do so many young people want attention and connection from brands?
- Steak-umm (@steak_umm) April 2, 2020

Source: Steak-Umm Bless

