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slaughtermatic March 29 2020, 13:49:08 UTC
weird how dylan was so hyped and then disappeared off the face of the earth


ghettoluvpr March 29 2020, 14:10:42 UTC
Almost dying probably had something to do with that. I don’t keep up with him so I had to google, but he has three movies in post production and was just on a TV show that aired this month.


dman108 March 29 2020, 14:29:56 UTC
Him and Shailene Woodley got stuck in franchises that went nowhere


lawofcosines March 29 2020, 15:39:17 UTC
at least shailene improved and became better tbh. she's overlooked in big little lies.


wearescientists March 29 2020, 15:44:04 UTC
If it wasn’t for DOB’s accident I’m sure TMR would’ve finished


jirppah March 29 2020, 17:30:06 UTC
The third one did finish eventually and was released in 2018


wearescientists March 29 2020, 18:17:54 UTC
Wasn’t there supposed to be a 4th?


babarsuhail March 29 2020, 19:49:27 UTC
They are 3 novels in the main series, and there are two prequel novels. AFAIK, the plan was only to make movies out of the 3 main novels.


nicenicegirl March 29 2020, 18:20:28 UTC
They finished the series. He filmed the last one and it's been out for a while now.


bellwetherr March 29 2020, 20:04:16 UTC
shailene's career is doing fine though! BLL really helped secure that


riptides March 29 2020, 14:46:30 UTC
Didn't he have a terrible accident on set. I think that's why he disappeared


treenotree March 29 2020, 14:57:00 UTC
he seemed very traumatised after his accident, so that probably had a lot to do with it


littlebones March 29 2020, 15:06:48 UTC
he only started working again recently. sadly in a mark wahlberg movie but at least he's getting paid.


shelleyslegs March 29 2020, 15:11:10 UTC
Another one?


onyxrose81 March 29 2020, 15:19:29 UTC
He did an interview (I forget which one) and he basically had a hard time getting over the accident. He’s moved on but his whole outlook seems to have changed a bit. He never was the most prolific person but he just seems to like popping up here and there and spending the rest of his time just doing whatever. He most definitely got some sort of settlement so that’s probably how he’s living.


alienjive March 29 2020, 16:37:46 UTC
His accident really changed him :(


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