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pikapika217 March 29 2020, 13:34:48 UTC

I trust Jeff Davis as far as I can throw him and he doesn't have the range. So much of this show was spent on making bigger threats each year and finding more identical white boys to pop into the universe instead of focusing on the central characters' personal lives/development and ignoring the canonical queer minority characters

FURTHER MORE, Both Mason and Scott - and by extension Braden, Deaton and Melissa - actually survived and I don't trust Jeff to let that stay. NOT TO MENTION how the writers (and fandom) ignored Posey's interest in actually acting on all this flirty chemistry Scott had with every boy his age (not that it stopped said fandom from transplanting it onto Stiles for reasons they can't explain but 'OFC aren't racism!!!!!one!!11!!oneone') either.

A revival could potential fix the main issue of the show - that is, more time as regular teens with non supernatural things happening to them instead of never letting them rest and enjoy/experience regular life - but considering Jeff Davis didn't give us funerals that were important or even Senior Prom, High School graduation or literally ANY extended family for it's main character K won't hold my breath because he simply DOES NOT have the range.


huntertp3 March 29 2020, 15:02:28 UTC

Agreed with every single word.


veggie March 29 2020, 15:18:09 UTC
scott was such a sweet little dummy and had the cutest chemistry with literally everybody. jeff davis has a history of not understanding that people (men specifically i guess) can be bisexual though. i remember he was talking about originally wanting spencer on criminal minds to be bisexual but was basically like "alas, then he got a crush on a girl. oh well"

like do you... do you know what "bi" means


therearewords March 29 2020, 19:47:39 UTC
Oh, ew.


spread March 29 2020, 15:48:29 UTC
No lies detected...


numara March 29 2020, 15:54:32 UTC
you're right and you should say it!


petecarl March 29 2020, 18:09:26 UTC
Perfectly said.


slaygalthessily March 29 2020, 23:52:50 UTC
What about a reboot without Jeff Davis. I want to see them back on my screen. lol.


pikapika217 March 29 2020, 23:55:13 UTC
I need to see a script and a detailed list of how they'd fix all these damn plot holes first


devourlove March 30 2020, 04:22:46 UTC
mfte. the only way a reunion or revival could be any good is if jeff davis is not allowed within 500ft of the writing room


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