Schitt's Creek's Dan Levy and Noah Reid get romantic animated covers for EW

Mar 26, 2020 23:34

They recreated romantic cinematic moments for EW covers.

16 Candles

Make a wish, David and Patrick. 🎂 In our new digital cover story, #SchittsCreek stars @danjlevy and @olreid take us inside the journey that saw two business partners become soulmates: Story by: @shananaomi
- Entertainment Weekly (@ ( Read more... )

lgbtq film / media, canadian celebrities, spoilers, schitts creek (cbc), television

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xpirate_queenx March 27 2020, 06:52:09 UTC
Potentially controversial opinions here, but...

[Big Season 6 Spoilers]
I'm...really not satisfied with the way things are going so far? Most of the episodes this season have been pretty hit-or-miss for me. Ted and Alexis breaking up was not only a huge bummer but it happened for reasons that I didn't think were necessary (the writing seemed contrived solely to get them to a place where they "had" to break up).

And this is going to be the biggest "whoa now" but David and Patrick's story and relationship this season seems kind of negative and also maybe heading for disaster? It's no wonder all the fans are asking if they're going to break up too, instead of foaming at the mouth with excitement for their wedding like we were at the end of Season 5. They're one of the sweetest and most unique couples on television right now. But David has been...kind of a shitbag to Patrick more often than not all season long. Instead of previous instances where Patrick would put up with but ultimately come to love David's...David-ness, it seems like he's been ending each
... )


truelasher March 27 2020, 11:22:15 UTC

Agree with you on all of the above


braindiva March 27 2020, 12:39:42 UTC
I do agree that David's behaviour this season is the biggest bone I have to pick. Patrick has always had a way of bottling things or not necessarily confronting things when he should, but David's complete absorption in what he wants for the wedding, almost to the exclusion of Patrick's wishes at times, doesn't feel all that funny to me. A bit of it is funny, but I felt he should have been called on it earlier this season. He was also being a jerk to Stevie when she was trying to get a job, and to Alexis when she was thinking of going to the Galapagos. It feels a bit out of place at this point in the series. I get he's not dealing well with change and high stress scenarios but still...

I was okay with the Ted and Alexis of it all, because it felt realistic to me. I always thought they loved each other, but wanted different things out of life.


mary_pickforded March 27 2020, 13:07:51 UTC
Agreed. For Alexis and Ted, I wasn't even mad. It made sense.


croutonochrist March 27 2020, 14:00:25 UTC
I was genuinely appalled by how he treated Stevie at the job interview. Like have they always been this antagonistic with each other??? It seemed extreme and it certainly didn't make me laugh.

Also, I don't think Alexis deserves Ted. One day, yes, but she isn't there. She is still always making these little mocking comments about him and his work. And I know that's just Alexis, and I know she is growing, but she isnt there yet.


braindiva March 27 2020, 15:32:00 UTC
Stevie and David have never been so at odds, maybe since he wanted to leave for NYC and have her follow him. But even that felt well intentioned, if misguided. A friend I was talking with said that they thought it was to show that David wasn't dealing well with the idea of Stevie leaving him to travel the world. It was also why he lashed out when Alexis was potentially leaving. Still, it made him seem like a terrible friend when Stevie has been nothing but supportive of him in her own low-key, laconic way. At the very least, we would have needed to see him apologize for behaving so terribly or try to make it up to her.


croutonochrist March 27 2020, 15:41:50 UTC
Especially considering this season picks up literally the day after Cabaret. Stevie and David have a nice moment talking about his engagement(and she gets him cute monogrammed towels) and he proudly beams and cries watching her perform.

Then like 2 episodes later he is actively trying to sabotage a job opportunity for her.


braindiva March 27 2020, 15:53:17 UTC
Yeah. I get that wedding planning has made him a bit loopy, but this is where Patrick would usually call him out and anchor him back to Earth. That's why they work so well. Dan has said he wanted to show a more realistic version of David who has settled in his relationship, but I feel like it shouldn't have lasted all season. Otherwise, it just makes him look like a big jerk.


croutonochrist March 27 2020, 16:12:40 UTC
David is outright mean to Patrick a lot and Patrick just bottles it up. The show keeps telling me they're ~perfect~ while presenting these very real red flags.


braindiva March 27 2020, 16:26:02 UTC
In past seasons, it never felt like that to me though. It was very much of a give and take, and Patrick lovingly gave David as much of a hard time, but you could always feel the love there. Wedding planning may make David a bit crazy, but they should get to the wedding with Patrick still wanting to marry him! That's why I feel we would have needed to see Patrick have a frank discussion about this madness. We may be getting it in the next 2 episodes, but honestly, I agree that it would have needed to happen a few episodes ago. I was sure that the engagement pictures were going to be the breaking point where Patrick was going to force a serious talk.


croutonochrist March 27 2020, 16:35:06 UTC
I should have been more clear I meant this season more than others. The thing I always liked about their relationship was the give and take and how Patrick grounded David. But I don't see much of that this season. It's David being a brat and Patrick just kind of quietly accepting it.


braindiva March 27 2020, 16:39:09 UTC
Yeah. From reading interviews, Dan feels that David and Patrick are clearly solid, and these are just bumps in the road. The problem is that it's too many bumps weighed toward David being kind of a dick.


wowsolovely March 27 2020, 14:25:54 UTC
I’ve never bought the idea that Ted wanted to do the work he’s doing now. It just wasn’t set up at all farm animals vs what he’s doing now is so different I don’t think he’s qualified I know I’m taking it to seriously but someone who’s worked at many vets it’s just a different field. He seemed happy and to love living in schitts creek and I know people can change and want different things but I just never bought it from him. It felt like we need them break up eventually so here’s this random arc for him. Sucks because the pay off of them actually getting back together payed of so we’ll to me just to ruin is pretty quickly after.


croutonochrist March 27 2020, 14:38:13 UTC
I feel like Ted just randomly brought up turtles/the Galapagos islands in an episode and it went from there.


braindiva March 27 2020, 15:29:31 UTC
I can buy that Ted had many animal-related passions that we may not have been aware of. I agree though that doing research, and being a practitioner in a rural area are two worlds completely apart! It'd be pretty hard to transition from one to the other, but I'm willing to give them some slack on this.


sh3l8y March 27 2020, 15:49:31 UTC
They haven't sold me on their relationship at all. It always has a negativity around it - like they aren't the right people for each other at all.


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