The story behind
@GeriHalliwell's dress in the '90s that went on to make headlines across the globe, becoming a symbol for girl power and unity along the way. Vogue Magazine (@voguemagazine)
March 19, 2020 The Spice Girls impact represented Girl Power, Cool Britannia and every boy's gay awakening. Geri Halliwell spoke to Vogue about the iconic dress and how it became the symbol of Girl Power.
A stylist warned her that the dress could be seen as racist and associated with a far-right nationalist group so she added a peace-sign to the back.
“I was like, oh my goodness…no, stop. We celebrate all cultures. So that’s why I put the peace sign on the back…and then the actual performance, we had our backs to the audience, so you could see the peace sign…I think we found power in each other. That was the whole point of the group,” she added.