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mzgrottesca March 19 2020, 05:15:45 UTC
idk if anyone already saw, but apparently even reusable cloth masks lower your chances of catching or spreading a virus as long as you clean them properly. They're very easy to make, and also very cheap.

It's not as effective as an N95 (nothing is, which is why health workers need them more than anyone else), but it IS better than nothing and I generally encourage anyone who can make their own to do so and wear them when going out. Homemade masks have tested at 68-70%% efficacy when it comes to preventing spread of viruses. It IS better than nothing, especially when combined with proper handwashing and hygiene, regular surgical masks were also effective.

The Thai government is even mass producing them now due to the shortage of other masks;

More and more data is showing that the idea of "N95 or bust" isn't entirely true. No one should have the confidence that a surgical or cloth mask is going to make them bulletproof, but yes, it does help some (especially for those of us who are prone to absentmindedly biting our nails or touching our face).


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