#Supernatural Favorite Crosses Over to
#LegendsOfTomorrow - See Photos
https://t.co/D1FgB6ICFA pic.twitter.com/zYYosyWbPx- TVLine.com (@TVLine)
March 11, 2020 Notice of filming
#Supernatural? Hmm...
#LegendsOfTomorrow https://t.co/nDuiF0E5fH pic.twitter.com/nhbRN2XoA9- KSiteTV (@KSiteTV)
March 11, 2020 Promo photos for the March 24th episode of LoT have been released, featuring a familiar car from another CW show. Sara, Constantine, and Charlie end up in British Columbia searching for another piece of the Loom and end up with more problems. It appears they'll somehow stumble onto the SPN set.
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