Honest Trailers | The Witcher

Mar 09, 2020 00:29

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Based on the books you've been meaning to read and the games you've been meaning the finish - it's Honest Trailers for Netflix's The Witcher!

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exgoaU3Fr5E

the witcher (netflix), honest trailer / reaction video / satire, henry cavill

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Comments 40

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ewanspotter March 9 2020, 04:18:36 UTC
Like a lot of old syndication TV (ala Xena), it's the type of show where it can be pretty outright silly at parts, but then swing back around to sad or tragic, etc. I don't think your average GOT bro could handle that but that's also why I really love it. The levity is what sells me.


heartinclover March 8 2020, 20:39:35 UTC
I think The Witcher was my favorite new show of 2019. I think it's already better than GOT was.


paradayto March 8 2020, 21:10:48 UTC
toss a coin to your witcher~


numara March 8 2020, 21:17:13 UTC
i just finished the show and i'm really into it! i'm tempted to buy the games now. does anyone know if all of them are available for ps or just the third one?


ellehcimbelle March 9 2020, 04:18:38 UTC
just the 3rd one


invisiblemonkey March 9 2020, 06:32:20 UTC
the first two are terrible and dated, so you only want the third one. I'm playing through it right now and it's pretty amazing!


benihime99 March 9 2020, 09:48:31 UTC
You might want the PC experience for the first one with music at max but if that's not your thing you're fine just playing the 3rd


su_metal March 8 2020, 22:07:22 UTC
There are some weird pacing and editing choices that feel amateurish to me. I really don't care for half of the cast except the main 3: Yennefer, Geralt and Jaskier (Ciri will probably get better next season.)

I liked it but I wonder if they changed the personalities from the book or just some of the worldbuilding?

ps: I'm glad I bought a game controller because I'm actually able to play the game on my PC without trying to burn it down. It's easier this way.


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