A l'annonce du César de la Meilleure Réalisation pour Roman Polanski ("J'accuse"), Adèle Haenel quitte la salle.
Le meilleur des
#César2020 >
https://t.co/ipnVwouBeV pic.twitter.com/7xa0CTbU3H- CANAL+ (@canalplus)
February 28, 2020 - French actress Adèle Haenel who last year revealed that as a child she was the victim of sexual harassment from
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I'm actually confused about why she accepted to host, to be honest.
I mean at least with Adele she has been publicly protesting the abuse problems and Polanski in the French industry for a while now before the Cesars so her walking out is on brand and impactful.
The host’s walkout on the other hand seems kinda “eat your cake and have it too” because regardless she accepted the hosting duties knowing his winning could be a possibility so walking out unnoticed is kinda cheap. She probably should’ve made a statement on stage or certain instead of making on IG.
I'm sure she'll be interviewed about it and she's not usually shy when she replies to journalists, so maybe I'll change my mind if she says she thought it'd be better (or at least less terrible) with her as the host instead of the usual terribly sexist French male comedians (last year Jérôme Commandeur was particularly bad) or something like that...
(Sorry that got long).
I feel like she could've made it better by saying something at the show, you say she's not shy answering journalists's questions so why just ghost awards lol? Kinda of half-assed on her part.
These sorts of protests are extremely effective and useful to movements across the board
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