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vibeology_e February 28 2020, 16:36:51 UTC
I really liked this one. It was nice to focus back on Picard and his feelings about the Borg. It makes sense that he's still carrying that trauma. Hugh was great and I loved that he got to share with Picard how his experience on the Enterprise changed not only Hugh but all of the XBs that Hugh is now working with.

The casting on the young Soji was pretty great and I finally am emotionally invested in her. I realized the moment she started to tear the floor apart that it matter to me if she made it.

One thing that really bugs me is that the EMH never came back to report on Agnes killing Maddox. Apparently she's also an MD but it's so strange that no one thought to ask the EMH who would have been active when Maddox died. I guess they trust Agnes too much.

Also, Raffi is a bore for me. Michelle Hurd is such a good actress but they're giving her the most clichéd plots and I don't care. I wish the "I have a son" scene had been with Picard so at the very least he could reflect on how his actions have fucked up her life because it really seems like he uses her when he needs something and ignores her all the other times while knowing she's in a very dark place and it's not a good look on a character I love.


beesknees7 February 28 2020, 17:17:32 UTC
The casting on the young Soji was pretty great and I finally am emotionally invested in her. I realized the moment she started to tear the floor apart that it matter to me if she made it.



nomorefrostbite February 28 2020, 18:46:23 UTC
ikr to your last point actually, like when he was applauding her manipulation with her former starfleet colleague in getting him diplomatic credentials, and was all "YASSSS!" and clapping her, and she's busy being depressed af and off her face on booze and collapsing all over the place. Just like.... help the woman ffs JL.


bloody_morgan February 29 2020, 06:43:06 UTC
this bothered me so much.

he let herdown before. he should have learned.


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